Source code for privex.helpers.decorators

Class Method / Function decorators


        |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
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        |                                                   |
        |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
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        |        Core Developer(s):                         |
        |                                                   |
        |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
        |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
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    Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )

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import functools
import logging
import pickle
from enum import Enum
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Union

from privex.helpers import plugin
from privex.helpers.common import empty

DEF_RETRY_MSG = "Exception while running '%s', will retry %d more times."
DEF_FAIL_MSG = "Giving up after attempting to retry function '%s' %d times."

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def retry_on_err(max_retries: int = 3, delay: int = 3, **retry_conf): """ Decorates a function or class method, wraps the function/method with a try/catch block, and will automatically re-run the function with the same arguments up to `max_retries` time after any exception is raised, with a ``delay`` second delay between re-tries. If it still throws an exception after ``max_retries`` retries, it will log the exception details with ``fail_msg``, and then re-raise it. Usage (retry up to 5 times, 1 second between retries, stop immediately if IOError is detected): >>> @retry_on_err(5, 1, fail_on=[IOError]) ... def my_func(self, some=None, args=None): ... if some == 'io': raise IOError() ... raise FileExistsError() This will be re-ran 5 times, 1 second apart after each exception is raised, before giving up: >>> my_func() Where-as this one will immediately re-raise the caught IOError on the first attempt, as it's passed in ``fail_on``: >>> my_func('io') :param int max_retries: Maximum total retry attempts before giving up :param int delay: Amount of time in seconds to sleep before re-trying the wrapped function :param retry_conf: Less frequently used arguments, pass in as keyword args: - (list) fail_on: A list() of Exception types that should result in immediate failure (don't retry, raise) - (str) retry_msg: Override the log message used for retry attempts. First message param %s is func name, second message param %d is retry attempts remaining - (str) fail_msg: Override the log message used after all retry attempts are exhausted. First message param %s is func name, and second param %d is amount of times retried. """ retry_msg = retry_conf['retry_msg'] if 'retry_msg' in retry_conf else DEF_RETRY_MSG fail_msg = retry_conf['fail_msg'] if 'fail_msg' in retry_conf else DEF_FAIL_MSG fail_on = list(retry_conf['fail_on']) if 'fail_on' in retry_conf else [] def _decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): retries = 0 if 'retry_attempts' in kwargs: retries = int(kwargs['retry_attempts']) del kwargs['retry_attempts'] try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if type(e) in fail_on: log.warning('Giving up. Re-raising exception %s (as requested by `fail_on` arg)', type(e)) raise e if retries < max_retries: log.exception(retry_msg, f.__name__, max_retries - retries) sleep(delay) kwargs['retry_attempts'] = retries + 1 return wrapper(*args, **kwargs) log.exception(fail_msg, f.__name__, max_retries) raise e return wrapper return _decorator
if plugin.HAS_REDIS: from privex.helpers.plugin import get_redis
[docs] class FormatOpt(Enum): """ This enum represents various options available for :py:func:`.r_cache` 's ``format_opt`` parameter. To avoid bloating the PyDoc for ``r_cache`` too much, descriptions for each formatting option is available as a short PyDoc comment under each enum option. Usage: >>> @r_cache('mykey', format_args=[0, 'x'], format_opt=FormatOpt.POS_AUTO) """ POS_AUTO = 'force_pos' """ First attempt to format using *args whitelisted in ``format_args``, if that causes a KeyError/IndexError, then pass kwarg values in the order they're listed in ``format_args`` (only includes kwarg names listed in ``format_args``) # def func(x, y) func('a', 'b') # assuming 0 and 1 are in format_args, then it would use .format('a', 'b') func(y='b', x='a') # assuming format_args = ``['x','y']``, then it would use .format('a', 'b') """ POS_ONLY = 'pos_only' """Only use positional args for formatting the cache key, kwargs will be ignored completely.""" KWARG_ONLY = 'kwarg' """Only use kwargs for formatting the cache key - requires named format placeholders, i.e. ``mykey:{x}``""" MIX = 'mix' """Use both *args and **kwargs to format the cache_key (assuming mixed placeholders e.g. ``mykey:{}:{y}``"""
FO = FormatOpt
[docs] def r_cache(cache_key: Union[str, callable], cache_time=300, format_args: list = None, format_opt: FO = FO.POS_AUTO, **opts) -> Any: """ This is a decorator which caches the result of the wrapped function into Redis using the key ``cache_key`` and with an expiry of ``cache_time`` seconds. Future calls to the wrapped function would then load the data from Redis until the cache expires, upon which it will re-run the original code and re-cache it. To bypass the cache, pass kwarg ``r_cache=False`` to the wrapped function. To override the cache key on demand, pass ``r_cache_key='mykey'`` to the wrapped function. **Example usage**: >>> from privex.helpers import r_cache >>> >>> @r_cache('mydata', cache_time=600) ... def my_func(*args, **kwargs): ... time.sleep(60) ... return "done" This will run the function and take 60 seconds to return while it sleeps >>> my_func() done This will run instantly because "done" is now cached in Redis for 600 seconds >>> my_func() done This will take another 60 seconds to run because ``r_cache`` is set to `False` (disables the cache) >>> my_func(r_cache=False) done **Using a dynamic cache_key**: **Simplest and most reliable - pass ``r_cache_key`` as an additional kwarg** If you don't mind passing an additional kwarg to your function, then the most reliable method is to override the cache key by passing ``r_cache_key`` to your wrapped function. Don't worry, we remove both ``r_cache`` and ``r_cache_key`` from the kwargs that actually hit your function. >>> my_func(r_cache_key='somekey') # Use the redis key 'somekey' when caching data for this function **Option 2. Pass a callable which takes the same arguments as the wrapped function** In the example below, ``who`` takes two arguments: ``name`` and ``title`` - we then pass the function ``make_key`` which takes the same arguments - ``r_cache`` will detect that the cache key is a function and call it with the same ``(*args, **kwargs)`` passed to the wrapped function. >>> from privex.helpers import r_cache >>> >>> def make_key(name, title): ... return f"mycache:{name}" ... >>> @r_cache(make_key) ... def who(name, title): ... return "Their name is {title} {name}" ... We can also obtain the same effect with a ``lambda`` callable defined directly inside of the cache_key. >>> @r_cache(lambda name,title: f"mycache:{name}") ... def who(name, title): ... return "Their name is {title} {name}" **Option 3. Can be finnicky - using ``format_args`` to integrate with existing code** If you can't change how your existing function/method is called, then you can use the ``format_args`` feature. **NOTE:** Unless you're forcing the usage of kwargs with a function/method, it's strongly recommended that you keep ``force_pos`` enabled, and specify both the positional argument ID, and the kwarg name. Basic Example: >>> from privex.helpers import r_cache >>> import time >>> >>> @r_cache('some_cache:{}:{}', cache_time=600, format_args=[0, 1, 'x', 'y']) ... def some_func(x=1, y=2): ... time.sleep(5) ... return 'x + y = {}'.format(x + y) >>> Using positional arguments, we can see from the debug log that it's formatting the ``{}:{}`` in the key with ``x:y`` >>> some_func(1, 2) 2019-08-21 06:58:29,823 lg DEBUG Trying to load "some_cache:1:2" from Redis cache 2019-08-21 06:58:29,826 lg DEBUG Not found in cache, or "r_cache" set to false. Calling wrapped function. 'x + y = 3' >>> some_func(2, 3) 2019-08-21 06:58:34,831 lg DEBUG Trying to load "some_cache:2:3" from Redis cache 2019-08-21 06:58:34,832 lg DEBUG Not found in cache, or "r_cache" set to false. Calling wrapped function. 'x + y = 5' When we passed ``(1, 2)`` and ``(2, 3)`` it had to re-run the function for each. But once we re-call it for the previously ran ``(1, 2)`` - it's able to retrieve the cached result just for those args. >>> some_func(1, 2) 2019-08-21 06:58:41,752 lg DEBUG Trying to load "some_cache:1:2" from Redis cache 'x + y = 3' Be warned that the default format option ``POS_AUTO`` will make kwargs' values be specified in the same order as they were listed in ``format_args`` >>> some_func(y=1, x=2) # ``format_args`` has the kwargs in the order ``['x', 'y']`` thus ``.format(x,y)`` 2019-08-21 06:58:58,611 lg DEBUG Trying to load "some_cache:2:1" from Redis cache 2019-08-21 06:58:58,611 lg DEBUG Not found in cache, or "r_cache" set to false. Calling wrapped function. 'x + y = 3' :param bool whitelist: (default: ``True``) If True, only use specified arg positions / kwarg keys when formatting ``cache_key`` placeholders. Otherwise, trust whatever args/kwargs were passed to the func. :param FormatOpt format_opt: (default: :py:attr:`.FormatOpt.POS_AUTO`) "Format option" - how should args/kwargs be used when filling placeholders in the ``cache_key`` (see comments on FormatOption) :param list format_args: A list of positional arguments numbers (e.g. ``[0, 1, 2]``) and/or kwargs ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` that should be used to format the `cache_key` :param str cache_key: The redis key to store the cached data into, e.g. `mydata` :param int cache_time: The amount of time in seconds to cache the result for (default: 300 seconds) :return Any res: The return result, either from the wrapped function, or from Redis. """ fmt_args = [] if not format_args else format_args r = get_redis() whitelist = opts.get('whitelist', True) def format_key(args, kwargs): pos_args = args kw_args = kwargs if whitelist: # Whitelisted positional arguments pos_args = [args[i] for i in fmt_args if type(i) is int and len(args) > i] # Whitelisted keyword args, as a dict kw_args = {i: kwargs[i] for i in fmt_args if type(i) is str and i in kwargs} if format_opt == FormatOpt.POS_AUTO: log.debug('Format: POS_AUTO - Formatting with *args, fallback on err to positional **kwargs values') try: log.debug('Attempting to format with args: %s', pos_args) rk = cache_key.format(*pos_args) except (KeyError, IndexError): pos_kwargs = [v for _, v in kw_args.items()] log.debug('Failed to format with pos args, now trying positional kwargs: %s', pos_kwargs) rk = cache_key.format(*pos_kwargs) return rk if format_opt == FormatOpt.KWARG_ONLY: # Only attempt to format cache_key using kwargs log.debug('Format: KWARG_ONLY - Formatting using only **kwargs') return cache_key.format(**kw_args) if format_opt == FormatOpt.POS_ONLY: # Only attempt to format cache_key using positional args log.debug('Format: POS_ONLY - Formatting using only *args') return cache_key.format(*pos_args) if format_opt == FormatOpt.MIX: # Format cache_key with both positional and kwargs as-is log.debug('Format: MIX - Formatting using passthru *args and **kwargs') return cache_key.format(*pos_args, **kw_args) def _decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Extract r_cache and r_cache_key from the wrapped function's kwargs if they're specified, # then remove them from the kwargs so they don't interfere with the wrapped function. enable_cache, rk = kwargs.get('r_cache', True), kwargs.get('r_cache_key', cache_key) if 'r_cache' in kwargs: del kwargs['r_cache'] if 'r_cache_key' in kwargs: del kwargs['r_cache_key'] if callable(rk): rk = rk(*args, **kwargs) elif not empty(fmt_args, itr=True) or not whitelist: # If the cache key contains a format placeholder, e.g. {somevar} - then attempt to replace the # placeholders using the function's kwargs log.debug('Format_args not empty (or whitelist=False), formatting cache_key "%s"', cache_key) rk = format_key(args, kwargs) log.debug('Trying to load "%s" from Redis cache', rk) data = r.get(rk) if empty(data) or not enable_cache: log.debug('Not found in cache, or "r_cache" set to false. Calling wrapped function.') data = pickle.dumps(f(*args, **kwargs)) r.set(rk, data, ex=cache_time) return pickle.loads(data) return wrapper return _decorator