
privex.helpers.common.extract_settings(prefix: str, _settings=<module 'privex.helpers.settings' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/python-helpers/checkouts/develop/privex/helpers/settings.py'>, defaults=None, merge_conf=None, **kwargs)dict[source]

Extract prefixed settings from a given module, dictionary, class, or instance.

This helper function searches the object _settings for keys starting with prefix, and for any matching keys, it removes the prefix from each key, converts the remaining portion of each key to lowercase (unless you’ve set _case_sensitive=True), and then returns the keys their linked values as a dict.

For example, if you had a file called myapp/settings.py which contained REDIS_HOST = 'localhost' and REDIS_PORT = 6379, you could then run:

>>> # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
>>> from myapp import settings
>>> extract_settings('REDIS_', settings)
{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}

Example settings module at myapp/settings.py

from os.path import dirname, abspath, join

BASE_DIR = dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))
VERSION_FILE = join(BASE_DIR, 'privex', 'helpers', '__init__.py')

REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'


Example - Extract Redis settings:

>>> # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
>>> from myapp import settings
>>> from privex.helpers import extract_settings
>>> # All keyword arguments (apart from _settings_mod and _keys_lower) are converted into a dictionary
>>> # and merged with the extracted settings
>>> # noinspection PyTypeChecker
>>> extract_settings('REDIS_', _settings=settings, port=6479, debug=True)
{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379, 'db': 0, 'debug': True}
>>> extract_settings('REDIS_', _settings=settings, merge_conf=dict(port=6479))
{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6479, 'db': 0}

Example - Extract Redis settings - case sensitive mode:

>>> extract_settings('REDIS_', _settings=settings, _case_sensitive=True)
{'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6379, 'DB': 0}

Example - Extract database settings from the environment

The below dict comprehension is just so you can see the original environment keys before we run extract_settings:

>>> import os
>>> from privex.helpers import extract_settings
>>> {k: v for k,v in os.environ.items() if 'DB_' in k}
{'DB_USER': 'root',
 'DB_PASS': 'ExamplePass',
 'DB_NAME': 'example_db'}

We’ll now call extract_settings using os.environ converted into a dictionary, and attempt to quickly obtain the database settings - with lowercase keys, and without their DB_ prefix.

Below, you’ll see extract_settings extracted all keys starting with DB_, removed the DB_ prefix, converted the remaining portion of the key to lowercase, and also merged in the default setting ‘host’ since DB_HOST didn’t exist.

The outputted dictionary is perfect for passing to many database library constructors:

>>> extract_settings('DB_', dict(os.environ), host='localhost')
{'user': 'root',
 'pass': 'ExamplePass',
 'name': 'example_db',
 'host': 'localhost'}
  • prefix (str) – The prefix (including the first underscore (_) or other separator) to search for in the settings

  • _settings (Module|dict|object) –

    The object to extract the settings from. The object can be one of the following:

    • A module, for example passing settings after running from myapp import settings

    • A dict, for example extract_settings('X_', dict(X_A=1, X_B=2))

    • A class which has the desired settings defined on it’s .__dict__ (e.g. any standard user class - class MyClass:, with settings defined as static class attributes)

    • An instance of a class, which has all desired settings defined inside of .__dict__ (e.g. any standard user class instance, with static and/or instance attributes for each setting)

    • Any other type which supports being casted to a dictionary via dict(obj).

  • merge_conf (dict) – Optionally you may specify a dictionary of “override” settings to merge with the extracted settings. The values in this dictionary take priority over both defaults, and the keys from _settings.

  • defaults (dict) – Optionally you may specify a dictionary of default settings to merge before the extracted settings, meaning values are only used if the key wasn’t present in the extracted settings nor merge_conf.

  • kwargs – Additional settings as keyword arguments (see below). Any keyword argument keys which aren’t valid settings will be added to the defaults dictionary. This means that defaults can also be specified as kwargs - as long as they don’t clash with any used kwarg settings (see below).

Key _case_sensitive

(Default False) If True, prefix is compared against _settings keys case sensitively. If False, then both prefix and each _settings key is converted to lowercase before comparison.

Key _keys_lower

Defaults to True if _case_sensitive is False, and False if _case_sensitive is True. If True, each extracted settings key is converted to lowercase before returning them - otherwise they’re returned with the same case as they were in _settings.

Return dict config

The extracted configuration keys (without their prefixes) and values as a dictionary. Based on the extracted keys from _settings, the fallback settings in defaults (and excess kwargs), plus the override settings in merge_conf.