
Common functions and classes that don’t fit into a specific category


    |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
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    |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
    |        License: X11 / MIT                         |
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    |        Core Developer(s):                         |
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    |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
    |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
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Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )



almost(compare, *numbers[, tolerance])

Compare two or more numbers, returning True if all numbers are no more than tolerance greater or smaller than than compare - otherwise False.

byteify(data[, encoding, if_none])

Convert a piece of data into bytes if it isn’t already.

call_sys(proc, *args[, write])

A small wrapper around subprocess.Popen which allows executing processes, while optionally piping data (write) into the process’s stdin, then finally returning the process’s output and error results.


Convert name from camel case (HelloWorld) to snake case (hello_world).

chunked(iterable, n)

Split iterable into n iterables of similar size

construct_dict(cls, kwargs[, args, …])

Removes keys from the passed dict data which don’t exist on cls (thus would get rejected as kwargs) using get_function_params().

dec_round(amount[, dp, rounding])

Round a Decimal to x decimal places using quantize (dp must be >= 1 and the default dp is 2)

empty(v[, zero, itr])

Quickly check if a variable is empty or not.

empty_if(v[, is_empty, not_empty])

Syntactic sugar for x if empty(y) else z.

env_bool(env_key[, env_default])

Obtains an environment variable env_key, if it’s empty or not set, env_default will be returned.

env_cast(env_key, cast[, env_default])

Obtains an environment variable env_key, if it’s empty or not set, env_default will be returned.

env_csv(env_key[, env_default, csvsplit])

Quick n’ dirty parsing of simple CSV formatted environment variables, with fallback to user specified env_default (defaults to None)

env_decimal(env_key[, env_default])

Alias for env_cast() with Decimal casting

env_int(env_key[, env_default])

Alias for env_cast() with int casting

env_keyval(env_key[, env_default, valsplit, …])

Parses an environment variable containing key:val,key:val into a list of tuples [(key,val), (key,val)]

extract_settings(prefix[, _settings, …])

Extract prefixed settings from a given module, dictionary, class, or instance.

filter_form(form, *keys[, cast])

Extract the keys keys from the dict-like form if they exist and return a dictionary containing the keys and values found.

get_function_params(obj[, check_parents])

Extracts a function/method’s signature (or class constructor signature if a class is passed), and returns it as a dictionary.


This function converts a class/function name into a Title Case name.

inject_items(items, dest_list, position)

Inject a list items after a certain element in dest_list.

io_tail(f[, nlines, bsz])

NOTE: If you’re only loading a small amount of lines, e.g. less than 1MB, consider using the much easier tail()

is_false(v[, chk_none])

Warning: Unless you specifically need to verify a value is Falsey, it’s usually safer to check for truth is_true() and invert the result, i.e.


Check if a given bool/str/int value is some form of True:

parse_csv(line[, csvsplit])

Quick n’ dirty parsing of a simple comma separated line, with automatic whitespace stripping of both the line itself, and the values within the commas.

parse_keyval(line[, valsplit, csvsplit])

Parses a csv with key:value pairs such as.

random_str([size, chars])

Generate a random string of arbitrary length using a given character set (string / list / tuple).

reverse_io(f[, blocksize])

Read file as series of blocks from end of file to start.


Takes command line arguments as positional args, and properly quotes each argument to make it safe to pass on the command line.

stringify(data[, encoding, if_none])

Convert a piece of data into a string (from bytes) if it isn’t already.

tail(filename[, nlines, bsz])

Pure python equivalent of the UNIX tail command.


ErrHelpParser([prog, usage, description, …])

ErrHelpParser - Use this instead of argparse.ArgumentParser to automatically get full help output as well as the error message when arguments are invalid, instead of just an error message.