Source code for privex.helpers.cache

Helper functions/classes related to caching.

This module acts as a singleton wrapper, allowing for easily setting a framework-independent global cache API.

To make the module easy to use, :py:func:`.adapter_get` initialises an instance of :class:`.MemoryCache` if no
global cache adapter instance has been setup. This means you can use the various alias functions in this module
without having to configure a cache adapter.

Available Cache Adapters

**Standard Synchronous Adapters**

Two synchronous cache adapters are included by default - :class:`.MemoryCache` (dependency free), and
:class:`.RedisCache` (needs ``redis`` library).

While these synchronous classes don't support coroutines for most methods, as of privex-helpers 2.7 the method
:meth:`privex.helpers.cache.CacheAdapter.CacheAdapter.get_or_set_async` is an async version of :meth:`.CacheAdapter.get_or_set`,
and is available on all :class:`.CacheAdapter` sub-classes (both :class:`.MemoryCache` and :class:`.RedisCache`).
``get_or_set_async`` allows a coroutine or coroutine function/method reference to be passed as the fallback value.

    ==============================   ==================================================================================================
    Adapter                          Description
    ==============================   ==================================================================================================
    :class:`.CacheAdapter`           This is the base class for all synchronous cache adapters (doesn't do anything)
    :class:`.MemoryCache`            A cache adapter which stores cached items in memory using a dict. Fully functional incl. timeout.
    :class:`.RedisCache`             A cache adapter for `Redis`_ using the python library ``redis``
    ==============================   ==================================================================================================

**Asynchronous (Python AsyncIO) Adapters**

Over the past few years, Python's AsyncIO has grown more mature and has gotten a lot of attention. Thankfully, whether you use
AsyncIO or not, we've got you covered.

Three AsyncIO cache adapters are included by default - :class:`.AsyncMemoryCache` (dependency free),
:class:`.AsyncRedisCache` (needs ``aioredis`` library), and :class:`.AsyncMemcachedCache` (needs ``aiomcache`` library).

    ==============================   ==================================================================================================
    Adapter                          Description
    ==============================   ==================================================================================================
    :class:`.AsyncCacheAdapter`      This is the base class for all AsyncIO cache adapters (abstract class, only implements get_or_set)
    :class:`.AsyncMemoryCache`       A cache adapter which stores cached items in memory using a dict. Fully functional incl. timeout.
    :class:`.AsyncRedisCache`        A cache adapter for `Redis`_ using the AsyncIO python library ``aioredis``
    :class:`.AsyncMemcachedCache`    A cache adapter for `Memcached`_ using the AsyncIO python library ``aiomcache``
    ==============================   ==================================================================================================

.. _Redis:
.. _Memcached:

Setting / updating the global cache adapter instance

First import the ``cache`` module.

    >>> from privex.helpers import cache

You must instantiate your cache adapter of choice before passing it to :py:func:`.adapter_set` - which updates
the global cache adapter instance.

    >>> my_adapter = cache.MemoryCache()
    >>> cache.adapter_set(my_adapter)

Once you've set the adapter, you can use the module functions such as :py:func:`.get` and :py:func:`.set` - or you
can import ``cached`` to enable dictionary-like cache item access.

    >>> cache.set('hello', 'world')
    >>> cache.get('hello')
    >>> from privex.helpers import cached
    >>> cached['hello']
    >>> cached['otherkey'] = 'testing'

You can also use AsyncIO adapters with the global cache adapter wrapper. :class:`.CacheWrapper` uses :func:`.awaitable` to
ensure that AsyncIO adapters can work synchronously when being called from a synchronous function, while working asynchronously
from a non-async function.

    >>> my_adapter = cache.AsyncRedisCache()
    >>> cache.adapter_set(my_adapter)
    >>> # get_hello_async() is async, so @awaitable returns the normal .get() coroutine for awaiting
    >>> async def get_hello_async():
    ...     result = await cached.get('hello')
    ...     return result
    >>> # get_hello() is synchronous, so @awaitable seamlessly runs .get() in an event loop and returns
    >>> # the result - get_hello() can treat it as if it were just a normal synchronous function.
    >>> def get_hello():
    ...     return cached.get('hello')
    >>> get_hello()
    >>> await get_hello_async()

Plug-n-play usage

As explained near the start of this module's documentation, you don't have to set the global adapter if you only
plan on using the simple :class:`.MemoryCache` adapter.

Just start using the global cache API via either :py:mod:`privex.helpers.cache` or :py:mod:`privex.helpers.cache.cached`
and MemoryCache will automatically be instantiated as the global adapter as soon as something attempts to access
the global instance.

We recommend importing ``cached`` rather than ``cache``, as it acts as a wrapper that allows dictionary-like
cache key getting/setting, and is also immediately aware when the global cache adapter is set/replaced.

    >>> from privex.helpers import cached

You can access ``cached`` like a dictionary to get and set cache keys (they will use the default expiry time of

    >>> cached['testing'] = 123
    >>> cached['testing']

You can also call methods such as :py:func:`.get` and :py:func:`.set` for getting/setting cache items with more
control, for example:

1. Setting a custom expiration, or disabling expiration by setting timeout to ``None``
    >>> cached.set('example', 'test', timeout=30)   # Drop 'example' from the cache after 30 seconds from now.
    >>> cached.set('this key', 'is forever!', timeout=None) # A timeout of ``None`` disables automatic expiration.

2. Fallback values when a key isn't found, or have it throw an exception if it's not found instead.

    >>> cached.get('example', 'NOT FOUND')          # If the key 'example' doesn't exist, return 'NOT FOUND'
    >>> try:   # By setting ``fail`` to True, ``get`` raises ``CacheNotFound`` if the key doesn't exist / is expired
    ...     cached.get('nonexistent', fail=True)
    ... except CacheNotFound:
    ...     log.error('The cache key "nonexistent" does not exist!')

3. Using :py:func:`.get_or_set` you can specify either a standard type (e.g. ``str``, ``int``, ``dict``), or even
   a custom function to call to obtain the value to set and return.
    >>> cached.get_or_set('hello', lambda key: 'world', timeout=60)
    >>> cached['hello']


        |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
        |                    |
        |                                                   |
        |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
        |        License: X11 / MIT                         |
        |                                                   |
        |        Core Developer(s):                         |
        |                                                   |
        |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
        |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
        |                                                   |

    Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )

import logging

from privex.helpers.asyncx import awaitable

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Type

from privex.helpers.cache.CacheAdapter import CacheAdapter
from privex.helpers.cache.MemoryCache import MemoryCache

    from privex.helpers.cache.RedisCache import RedisCache
except ImportError:
    log.debug("[%s] Failed to import %s from %s (missing package 'redis' maybe?)", __name__, 'RedisCache', f'{__name__}.RedisCache')

    from privex.helpers.cache.asyncx import *
except ImportError:
    log.exception("[%s] Failed to import %s from %s (unknown error!)", __name__, '*', f'{__name__}.asyncx')
# try:
#     from privex.helpers.cache.asyncx import AsyncMemoryCache
#     from privex.helpers.cache.asyncx import AsyncCacheAdapter
# except ImportError:
#     log.exception(
#         "[%s] Failed to import AsyncMemoryCache and/or AsyncCacheAdapter from privex.helpers.cache.asyncx...", __name__
#     )

from privex.helpers.exceptions import NotConfigured, CacheNotFound
from privex.helpers.settings import DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT

__STORE = {}

__STORE['adapter']: CacheAdapter

[docs]class CacheWrapper(object): """ **CacheWrapper** is a small class designed to wrap an instance of :class:`.CacheAdapter` and allow the adapter to be switched out at any time, using the static class attribute :py:attr:`.cache_instance`. This class is used for the singleton global variable :py:attr:`.cached` For convenience, if :py:attr:`.cache_instance` isn't set-up when something makes an adapter-dependant call, then the adapter class in :py:attr:`.default_adapter` will be instantiated and stored in :py:class:`.cache_instance` >>> # Using the ``: CacheAdapter`` type hinting will allow most IDEs to treat the wrapper as if it were >>> # a normal CacheAdapter child class, thus showing appropriate completion / usage warnings >>> c: CacheAdapter = CacheWrapper() >>> c.set('hello', 'world') >>> c['hello'] 'world' You can replace the cache adapter singleton using the module function :py:func:`.adapter_set` (recommended) >>> from privex.helpers import cache, CacheWrapper >>> cache.adapter_set(cache.MemoryCache()) # Set the current adapter for both the cache module, and wrapper. If you only plan to use this wrapper, then you can use :py:meth:`.set_adapter` to update the current cache adapter instance. >>> CacheWrapper.set_adapter(cache.MemoryCache()) # Set the adapter only for the wrapper (aka ``cached``) """ cache_instance: CacheAdapter = None """Holds the singleton instance of a :class:`.CacheAdapter` implementation""" default_adapter: Type[CacheAdapter] = MemoryCache """The default adapter class to instantiate if :py:attr:`.cache_instance` is ``None``"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_adapter(default: Type[CacheAdapter] = default_adapter, *args, **kwargs) -> CacheAdapter: """ Attempt to get the singleton cache adapter from :py:attr:`.cache_instance` - if the instance is ``None``, then attempt to instantiate ``default()`` If any ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` are passed, they will be passed through to ``default(*args, **kwargs)`` so that any necessary configuration parameters can be passed to the class. """ if not CacheWrapper.cache_instance: CacheWrapper.cache_instance = default(*args, **kwargs) return CacheWrapper.cache_instance
[docs] @staticmethod def set_adapter(adapter: CacheAdapter) -> CacheAdapter: CacheWrapper.cache_instance = adapter return CacheWrapper.cache_instance
def __getattr__(self, item): if hasattr(super(), item): return getattr(self, item) @awaitable def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with CacheWrapper.get_adapter() as a: return getattr(a, item)(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapper @awaitable def __getitem__(self, item): try: with CacheWrapper.get_adapter() as a: return a.get(key=item, fail=True) except CacheNotFound: raise KeyError(f'Key "{item}" not found in cache.') @awaitable def __setitem__(self, key, value): with CacheWrapper.get_adapter() as a: return a.set(key=key, value=value)
cached: CacheAdapter = CacheWrapper() """ This module attribute acts as a singleton, containing an instance of :class:`.CacheWrapper` which is designed to allow painless usage of this caching module. """
[docs]def adapter_set(adapter: CacheAdapter): """ Set the global cache adapter instance to ``adapter`` - which should be an instantiated adapter class which implements :class:`.CacheAdapter` **Example**:: >>> from privex.helpers import cache >>> cache.adapter_set(cache.MemoryCache()) :param CacheAdapter adapter: An instance of a class which implements :class:`.CacheAdapter` for global use. :return CacheAdapter adapter: A reference to your adapter from ``__STORE['adapter']`` """ __STORE['adapter'] = adapter cached.set_adapter(adapter) return __STORE['adapter']
[docs]def adapter_get(default: Type[CacheAdapter] = MemoryCache) -> CacheAdapter: """ Get the global cache adapter instance. If there isn't one, then by default this function will initialise :class:`.MemoryAdapter` and set it as the global cache adapter. To set the global cache adapter instance, use :py:func:`.adapter_set` To use a different fallback class, pass a class name which implements :class:`.CacheAdapter` like so: >>> adapter_get(default=MemoryCache) :param default: :return: """ if 'adapter' not in __STORE or __STORE['adapter'] is None: if not default: raise NotConfigured('No cache adapter has been configured for privex.helpers.cache!') __STORE['adapter'] = default() return __STORE['adapter']
[docs]def get(key: str, default: Any = None, fail: bool = False) -> Any: """ Return the value of cache key ``key``. If the key wasn't found, or it was expired, then ``default`` will be returned. Optionally, you may choose to pass ``fail=True``, which will cause this method to raise :class:`.CacheNotFound` instead of returning ``default`` when a key is non-existent / expired. :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to get the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any default: If the cache key ``key`` isn't found / is expired, return this value (Default: ``None``) :param bool fail: If set to ``True``, will raise :class:`.CacheNotFound` instead of returning ``default`` when a key is non-existent / expired. :raises CacheNotFound: Raised when ``fail=True`` and ``key`` was not found in cache / expired. :return Any value: The value of the cache key ``key``, or ``default`` if it wasn't found. """ a = adapter_get() return a.get(key=key, default=default, fail=fail)
[docs]def set(key: str, value: Any, timeout: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT): """ Set the cache key ``key`` to the value ``value``, and automatically expire the key after ``timeout`` seconds from now. If ``timeout`` is ``None``, then the key will never expire (unless the cache implementation loses it's persistence, e.g. memory caches with no disk writes). :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to set the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any value: The value to store in the cache key ``key`` :param int timeout: The amount of seconds to keep the data in cache. Pass ``None`` to disable expiration. """ a = adapter_get() return a.set(key=key, value=value, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def get_or_set(key: str, value: Union[Any, callable], timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: """ Attempt to return the value of ``key`` in the cache. If ``key`` doesn't exist or is expired, then it will be set to ``value``, and ``value`` will be returned. The ``value`` parameter can be any standard type such as ``str`` or ``dict`` - or it can be a callable function / method which returns the value to set and return. **Basic Usage**:: >>> from privex.helpers import cache as c >>> c.get('testing') None >>> c.get_or_set('testing', 'hello world') 'hello world' >>> c.get('testing') 'hello world' **Set and get the value from a function if ``key`` didn't exist / was expired**:: >>> def my_func(): return "hello world" >>> c.get_or_set('example', my_func) 'hello world' >>> c.get('example') 'hello world' :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to get/set the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any value: The value to store in the cache key ``key``. Can be a standard type, or a callable function. :param int timeout: The amount of seconds to keep the data in cache. Pass ``None`` to disable expiration. :return Any value: The value of the cache key ``key``, or ``value`` if it wasn't found. """ a = adapter_get() return a.get_or_set(key=key, value=value, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def remove(*key: str) -> bool: """ Remove one or more keys from the cache. If all cache keys existed before removal, ``True`` will be returned. If some didn't exist (and thus couldn't remove), then ``False`` will be returned. :param str key: The cache key(s) to remove :return bool removed: ``True`` if ``key`` existed and was removed :return bool removed: ``False`` if ``key`` didn't exist, and no action was taken. """ a = adapter_get() return a.remove(*key)
[docs]def update_timeout(key: str, timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: """ Update the timeout for a given ``key`` to ``datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)`` This method allows keys which are already expired, allowing expired cache keys to have their timeout extended **after** expiry. **Example**:: >>> from privex.helpers import cache >>> from time import sleep >>> cache.set('example', 'test', timeout=60) >>> sleep(70) >>> cache.update_timeout('example', timeout=60) # Reset the timeout for ``'example'`` to ``now + 60 seconds`` >>> cache.get('example') 'test' :param str key: The cache key to update the timeout for :param int timeout: Reset the timeout to this many seconds from ``datetime.utcnow()`` :raises CacheNotFound: Raised when ``key`` was not found in cache (thus cannot extend timeout) :return Any value: The value of the cache key """ a = adapter_get() return a.update_timeout(key=key, timeout=timeout)