Source code for tests.test_net

Test cases related to :py:mod:`` or generally network related functions such as :py:func:`.ping`
import warnings
from tests import PrivexBaseCase
from privex import helpers

    import pytest
    HAS_PYTEST = True
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('WARNING: Could not import pytest. You should run "pip3 install pytest" to ensure tests work best')
    pytest = helpers.Mocker.make_mock_class('module')
    pytest.skip = lambda msg, allow_module_level=True: warnings.warn(msg)
    pytest.mark.skip, pytest.mark.skipif = helpers.mock_decorator, helpers.mock_decorator
    HAS_PYTEST = False


[docs]class TestNet(PrivexBaseCase): """Test cases related to :py:mod:`` or generally network related functions"""
[docs] def test_ping(self): """Test success & failure cases for ping function with IPv4, as well as input validation""" try: with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'', -1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'', 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'notavalidip', 1) self.assertTrue('', 3)) self.assertFalse('', 3)) except NotImplementedError as e: return pytest.skip(f"Skipping test TestGeneral.test_ping as platform is not supported: \"{str(e)}\"") except helpers.NetworkUnreachable as e: return pytest.skip(f"Skipping test TestGeneral.test_ping as network is unavailable: \"{str(e)}\"")
[docs] def test_ping_v6(self): """Test success & failure cases for ping function with IPv6, as well as input validation""" try: with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'::1', -1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'::1', 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):'notavalidip', 1) self.assertTrue('::1', 3)) self.assertFalse('fd06:dead::beef:ab12', 3)) except NotImplementedError as e: return pytest.skip(f"Skipping test TestGeneral.test_ping_v6 as platform is not supported: \"{str(e)}\"") except helpers.NetworkUnreachable as e: return pytest.skip(f"Skipping test TestGeneral.test_ping_v6 as network is unavailable: \"{str(e)}\"")
def _check_asn(self, asn, *expected_names): if not HAS_DNSPYTHON: return pytest.skip(f"Skipping asn_to_name tests as dnspython is not installed...") name = helpers.asn_to_name(asn) expected_names = list(expected_names) self.assertIn(name, expected_names, msg=f"asn_to_name({asn}) '{name}' in: {expected_names}")
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_DNSPYTHON, reason="test_asn_to_name_int requires package 'dnspython'") def test_asn_to_name_int(self): """Test Privex's ASN (as an int) 210083 resolves to 'PRIVEX, SE'""" self._check_asn(210083, 'PRIVEX, SE', 'PRIVEX INC, SE', 'Privex Inc, SE')
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_DNSPYTHON, reason="test_asn_to_name_str requires package 'dnspython'") def test_asn_to_name_str(self): """Test Cloudflare's ASN (as a str) '13335' resolves to 'CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US'""" self._check_asn('13335', 'CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US', 'CLOUDFLARENET, US')
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_DNSPYTHON, reason="test_asn_to_name_erroneous requires package 'dnspython'") def test_asn_to_name_erroneous(self): """Test asn_to_name returns 'Unknown ASN' when quiet, otherwise throws a KeyError for ASN 'nonexistent'""" self.assertEqual(helpers.asn_to_name('nonexistent'), 'Unknown ASN') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): helpers.asn_to_name('nonexistent', quiet=False)
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_DNSPYTHON, reason="test_asn_to_name_erroneous_2 requires package 'dnspython'") def test_asn_to_name_erroneous_2(self): """Test asn_to_name returns 'Unknown ASN' when quiet, otherwise throws KeyError for the ASN 999999999""" self.assertEqual(helpers.asn_to_name(999999999), 'Unknown ASN') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): helpers.asn_to_name(999999999, quiet=False)
[docs] def test_get_rdns_privex_ns1_ip(self): """Test resolving IPv4 and IPv6 addresses into""" self.assertEqual(helpers.get_rdns('2a07:e00::100'), '') self.assertEqual(helpers.get_rdns(''), '')
[docs] def test_get_rdns_privex_ns1_host(self): """Test resolving rDNS for the domains ```` and ````""" self.assertEqual(helpers.get_rdns(''), '') self.assertEqual(helpers.get_rdns(''), '')
[docs] def test_get_rdns_invalid_domain(self): """Test :func:`.get_rdns` raises :class:`.InvalidHost` when given a non-existent domain""" with self.assertRaises(helpers.InvalidHost): helpers.get_rdns('non-existent.domain.example')
[docs] def test_get_rdns_no_rdns_records(self): """Test :func:`.get_rdns` raises :class:`.ReverseDNSNotFound` when given a valid IP that has no rDNS records""" with self.assertRaises(helpers.ReverseDNSNotFound): helpers.get_rdns('')
[docs] def test_get_rdns_multi(self): """Test :func:`.get_rdns_multi` with 3x IPv4 addresses and 1x IPv6 address""" hosts = dict(helpers.get_rdns_multi('', '', '', '2a07:e00::333')) self.assertEqual(len(hosts.keys()), 4) self.assertEqual(hosts[''], '') self.assertEqual(hosts[''], '') self.assertEqual(hosts[''], '') self.assertEqual(hosts['2a07:e00::333'], '')
[docs] def test_get_rdns_multi_invalid(self): """Test :func:`.get_rdns_multi` with 2x IPv4 addresses + 2x IPv6 addresses with one of each having no records""" hosts = dict(helpers.get_rdns_multi('', '', 'fe80::5123', '2a07:e00::333')) self.assertEqual(len(hosts.keys()), 4) self.assertEqual(hosts[''], '') self.assertIsNone(hosts['']) self.assertIsNone(hosts['fe80::5123']) self.assertEqual(hosts['2a07:e00::333'], '')
[docs]class TestNetResolveIP(PrivexBaseCase): """ Test cases related to :func:`.resolve_ips`, :func:`.resolve_ip` and :func:`.resolve_ips_multi` """ # --- ---
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_ipv4_addr(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns the same IPv4 address passed to it""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('') self.assertEqual(len(ips), 1) self.assertEqual(ips[0], '')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_ipv6_addr(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns the same IPv6 address passed to it""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('2a07:e00::333') self.assertEqual(len(ips), 1) self.assertEqual(ips[0], '2a07:e00::333')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_ipv4_addr_invalid(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` raises :class:`.AttributeError` when ``version`` is v4 but an IPv6 address was passed""" with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): helpers.resolve_ips('2a07:e00::333', 'v4')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_ipv6_addr_invalid(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` raises :class:`.AttributeError` when ``version`` is v6 but an IPv4 address was passed""" with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): helpers.resolve_ips('', 'v6')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_hiveseed(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns expected v4 + v6 for ````""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('') self.assertEqual(len(ips), 2) self.assertIn('2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2', ips) self.assertIn('', ips)
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_hiveseed_v4(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns only v4 for ```` when version is set to v4""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('', 'v4') self.assertEqual(len(ips), 1) self.assertEqual(ips[0], '')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_hiveseed_v6(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns only v6 for ```` when version is set to v6""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('', 'v6') self.assertEqual(len(ips), 1) self.assertEqual(ips[0], '2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2')
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_v4_convert_false(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns an empty list for ```` when v6 requested without v4_convert""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('', 'v6', v4_convert=False) self.assertEqual(len(ips), 0)
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_v4_convert(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips` returns IPv6-wrapped IPv4 addresses for ```` when v4_convert is enabled + v6 version""" ips = helpers.resolve_ips('', 'v6', v4_convert=True) if ips is None or len(ips) == 0: return pytest.skip( f"Skipping test TestNetResolveIP.test_resolve_ips_v4_convert as v6-wrapped IPv4 addresses " f"aren't supported on this platform." ) self.assertTrue(ips[0].startswith('::ffff:'))
# --- ---
[docs] def test_resolve_ip_v4_convert(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ip` returns an IPv6-wrapped IPv4 address for ```` when v4_convert is enabled + v6 version""" ip = helpers.resolve_ip('', 'v6', v4_convert=True) if ip is None: return pytest.skip( f"Skipping test TestNetResolveIP.test_resolve_ip_v4_convert as v6-wrapped IPv4 addresses " f"aren't supported on this platform." ) self.assertTrue(ip.startswith('::ffff:'))
[docs] def test_resolve_ip_hiveseed(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ip` returns expected either correct v4 or v6 for ````""" self.assertIn(helpers.resolve_ip(''), ['', '2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2'])
[docs] def test_resolve_ip_hiveseed_v4(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ip` returns only v4 for ```` when version is v4""" self.assertEqual(helpers.resolve_ip('', 'v4'), '')
[docs] def test_resolve_ip_hiveseed_v6(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ip` returns only v6 for ```` when version is v6""" self.assertEqual(helpers.resolve_ip('', 'v6'), '2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2')
# --- ---
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_multi_any(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips_multi` with 2 domains and an IPv4 address""" ips = dict(helpers.resolve_ips_multi('', '', '')) self.assertIn('2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips['']) self.assertIn('2a07:e00::abc', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips[''])
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_multi_v4(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips_multi` with 2 domains, an IPv4 address, and an IPv6 address with version ``v4``""" ips = dict(helpers.resolve_ips_multi('', '', '', '2a07:e00::333', version='v4')) self.assertNotIn('2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips['']) self.assertNotIn('2a07:e00::abc', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips['']) self.assertIn('', ips['']) self.assertIsNone(ips['2a07:e00::333'])
[docs] def test_resolve_ips_multi_v6(self): """Test :func:`.resolve_ips_multi` with 2 domains, an IPv4 address, and an IPv6 address with version ``v6``""" ips = dict(helpers.resolve_ips_multi('', '', '', '2a07:e00::333', version='v6')) self.assertIn('2a01:4f9:2a:3d4::2', ips['']) self.assertNotIn('', ips['']) self.assertIn('2a07:e00::abc', ips['']) self.assertNotIn('', ips['']) self.assertIn('2a07:e00::333', ips['2a07:e00::333']) self.assertIsNone(ips[''])