
abstract async AsyncCacheAdapter.update_timeout(key: str, timeout: int = 300) → Any[source]

Update the timeout for a given key to datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)

This method should accept keys which are already expired, allowing expired cache keys to have their timeout extended after expiry.


>>> c = CacheAdapter()
>>> c.set('example', 'test', timeout=60)
>>> sleep(70)
>>> c.update_timeout('example', timeout=60)   # Reset the timeout for ``'example'`` to ``now + 60 seconds``
>>> c.get('example')
  • key (str) – The cache key to update the timeout for

  • timeout (int) – Reset the timeout to this many seconds from datetime.utcnow()


CacheNotFound – Raised when key was not found in cache (thus cannot extend timeout)

Return Any value

The value of the cache key