
async privex.helpers.asyncx.run_coro_thread_async(func: callable, *args, _queue_timeout=30.0, _queue_sleep=0.05, **kwargs) → Any[source]

AsyncIO version of run_coro_thread() which uses asyncio.sleep() while waiting on a result from the queue, allowing you to run multiple AsyncIO coroutines which call blocking synchronous code - simultaneously, e.g. by using asyncio.gather()

Below is an example of running an example coroutine hello which runs the synchronous blocking time.sleep. Using run_coro_thread_async() plus asyncio.gather() - we can run hello 4 times simultaneously, despite the use of the blocking time.sleep().

Basic usage:

>>> import asyncio
>>> from privex.helpers.asyncx import run_coro_thread_async
>>> async def hello(world):
...     time.sleep(1)
...     return world * 10
>>> await asyncio.gather(run_coro_thread_async(hello, 5), run_coro_thread_async(hello, 15),
...                      run_coro_thread_async(hello, 90), run_coro_thread_async(hello, 25))
[50, 150, 900, 250]
  • func (callable) – A reference to the async def coroutine function that you want to run

  • args – Positional arguments to pass-through to the coroutine function

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass-through to the coroutine function

  • _queue_timeout (float|int) – (default: 30) Maximum amount of seconds to wait for a result or exception from func before giving up.

  • _queue_sleep – (default: 0.05) Amount of time to AsyncIO sleep between each check of the result queue

Return Any coro_res

The result returned from the coroutine func