resolve_ips_multi_async*addr: Union[str, ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address], version: Union[str, int] = 'any', v4_convert=False) → AsyncGenerator[Tuple[str, Optional[List[str]]], None][source]

Async version of resolve_ips_multi(). Resolve IPv4/v6 addresses for multiple hosts specified as positional arguments.

Returns results as an AsyncIO generator, to allow for efficient handling of a large amount of hostnames to resolve.

Using the AsyncIO generator in a loop efficiently:

>>> async for host, ips in resolve_ips_multi_async('', '', ''):
...     print(f"{host:<20} ->   {', '.join(ips)}")
...            ->   2a07:e00::abc,       ->   2606:4700::6811:af55, 2606:4700::6811:b055,,           ->   2a00:1450:4009:807::200e,

If you’re only resolving a small number of hosts ( less than 100 or so ), you can simply comprehend the generator into a list and then turn the result into a dict using dict(), which will get you a dictionary of hosts mapped to lists of IP addresses.

Dictionary Cast Examples:

>>> ips = [x async for x in resolve_ips_multi_async('', '', '')]
>>> dict(ips)
{'': ['2a07:e00::abc', ''],
 '': ['', '', '', '', ''],
 '': ['2a00:1450:4009:807::200e', '']}
>>> dict([x async for x in resolve_ips_multi_async('', '', '', version='v6')])
{'': ['2a07:e00::abc'], '': [], '': ['2a00:1450:4009:81c::200e']}
>>> dict([x async for x in resolve_ips_multi_async('', 'this-does-not-exist', '', version='v6')])
{'': ['2a07:e00::abc'], 'this-does-not-exist': [], '': ['2a00:1450:4009:81c::200e']}
 >>> dict([x async for x in resolve_ips_multi_async('', '', '', version='v6')])
[resolve_ips_multi AttributeError] Invalid IP: - Ex: <class 'AttributeError'> Passed address '' was
                                   an IPv4 address, but 'version' requested an IPv6 address.
{'': ['2a07:e00::abc'], '': ['2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946'], '': None}
  • addr (str|IPv4Address|IPv6Address) – Hostname’s to resolve / IP addresses to validate or pass-thru

  • version (str|int) – (Default: any) - 4 (int), 'v4', 6 (int), 'v6' (see resolve_ips() for more options)

  • v4_convert (bool) – (Default: False) If set to True, will allow IPv6-wrapped IPv4 addresses starting with ::ffff: to be returned when requesting version v6 from an IPv4-only hostname.

Return Tuple[str,Optional[List[str]] gen

An async generator which returns tuples containing a hostname/IP, and a list of it’s resolved IPs. If the IP was rejected (e.g. IPv4 IP passed with v6 version param), then the list may instead be None.