
privex.helpers.setuppy.bump.bump_version(part='patch', dry=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bump semver version and replace version line inside of settings.VERSION_FILE

  • Obtains the current package version using version_func

  • Uses semver to increment the part portion and resets any lower portions to zero

  • Reads the file settings.VERSION_FILE and passes it to replace_func along with the original version and new bumped version to obtain the modified file contents.

  • Writes the file contents containing the updated version number back to settings.VERSION_FILE

Basic usage:

>>> from privex.helpers import settings, setuppy
>>> bump_version('minor')

If you want to use this function outside of privex-helpers, for your own package/project, ensure you adjust the settings and version functions as required.

To change the file which contains your package version, as well as the function used to get the current version:

>>> import mypackage
>>> from privex.helpers import settings

>>> settings.VERSION_FILE = '/home/john/mypackage/mypackage/__init__.py'

If you use the same version line format at privex-helpers, like this:

VERSION = '1.2.3'   # In-line comments are fine, as are double quotes instead of single quotes.

Then you don’t need to make a custom version retrieval or replacement function.

Otherwise… this is how you write and register a custom version retrieval and replacement function:

 import re
 from privex.helpers.setuppy import bump

 # Regex to find the string: version='x.y.z'
 # and extract the version x.y.z on it's own.
 my_regex = re.compile(r'version='?"?([0-9a-zA-Z-._]+)'?"?')

 def my_version_finder(data: str):
     return str(my_regex.search(data).group(1))

 # Set your function `my_version_finder` as the default used to obtain the current package version
 bump.default_current_ver = my_version_finder

 def my_version_replacer(data: str, old_version: str, new_version: str):
     # This is an example of a version replacer if you just put your version straight into setup.py
     return data.replace(f"version='{old_version}'", f"version='{new_version}'")

     # Alternatively use regex substitution
     return my_regex.sub(f"version='{new_version}'", data)

 # Set your function `my_version_replacer` as the default used to replace the version in a file.
 bump.default_replace_func = my_version_replacer
  • dry (bool) – If set to True, will only return the modified file contents instead of overwriting the file settings.VERSION_FILE

  • part (str) – The part of the version to bump: patch, minor, major, build or prerelease

Key callable replace_func

Custom version replacement function. Should take the arguments (data, old_version, new_version) and return data with the version line replaced.

Key callable version_func

Custom version retrieval function. Takes no args, returns curr version as a string.

Key str token

If using part build or prerelease, this overrides the version token
