get_rdns_multi*hosts: Union[str, ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address], throw=False) → Generator[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], None, None][source]

Resolve reverse DNS hostnames for multiple IPs / domains specified as positional arguments.

Each host in hosts can be an IP address as a str, IPv4Address, IPv6Address - or a domain.

Returns results as a generator, to allow for efficient handling of a large amount of hosts to resolve.

Basic usage:

>>> for host, rdns in get_rdns_multi('', '', '', '2a07:e00::333'):
>>>     print(f"{host:<20} -> {rdns:>5}")        ->              ->              ->
2a07:e00::333        ->

If you’re only resolving a small number of hosts ( less than 100 or so ), you can simply cast the generator into a dict using dict(), which will get you a dictionary of hosts mapped to their rDNS:

>>> data = dict(get_rdns_multi('', '', '', '2a07:e00::333'))
>>> data['']
>>> data.get('2a07:e00::333', 'error')
  • hosts (str|IPv4Address|IPv6Address) – One or more IPv4/v6 addresses, or domains to lookup reverse DNS for - as positional args.

  • throw (bool) – (Default: False) When True, will raise ReverseDNSNotFound or InvalidHost when no rDNS records can be found for a host, or when the host is an invalid IP / non-existent domain. When False, will simply return None when a host is invalid, or no rDNS records are found.

  • ReverseDNSNotFound – When throw is True and no rDNS records were found for host

  • InvalidHost – When throw is True and host is an invalid IP address or non-existent domain/hostname

Return Tuple[str,Optional[str]] rDNS

A generator returning tuple’s containing the original passed host, and it’s reverse DNS hostname (value of PTR record)