Source code for privex.helpers.black_magic

This module contains *somewhat risky* code that uses app introspection e.g. via :mod:`inspect`.

Most functions / classes in this module will **ONLY work on CPython** (the official Python interpreter from,
and their functionality is not guaranteed to be stable as they interact with the interpreter to enable special functionality
such as detecting the function/class/module which called your function/method.

Functions and methods in this module may be updated with breaking API changes at any time, especially if they're needed
to adjust for a change in Python itself. Please ensure that any usage of this module is properly wrapped in a try/catch block,
and avoid relying on functions/methods in this module for critical functionality of your application.

Most useful functions:

 * :func:`.calling_function` - Returns the name of the function/method which called your function/method
 * :func:`.calling_module` - Returns the name of the module which called your function/method
 * :func:`.caller_name` - Returns the fully qualified module path to the function/method/module which called
   your function/method


        |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
        |                    |
        |                                                   |
        |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
        |        License: X11 / MIT                         |
        |                                                   |
        |        Core Developer(s):                         |
        |                                                   |
        |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
        |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
        |                                                   |

    Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )

import inspect
from typing import Optional

[docs]def calling_function(skip=2) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the name of the function which called your function/method. Example:: >>> def x(skip=2): return calling_function(skip=2) >>> >>> def y(skip=2): return x(skip) >>> >>> def z(skip=2): return y(skip) >>> >>> print(y()) # The call to x() returns that 'y' is the function which called it. y >>> print(z()) # The call to z() calls y() -> x() - still returning that 'y' is the caller of x() y >>> # If we adjust skip to 3 instead of 2, we can see that z() is the function that called y() which called x() >>> print(z(3)) z :param int skip: Skip this many frames. 0 = calling_function() 1 = function which called calling_function() 2 = function which called the function that called calling_function() (default) and so on... :return str|None function_name: Either a string containing the function name, or ``None`` if you've skipped too many frames. """ curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) if len(calframe) <= skip: return None return calframe[skip][3]
[docs]def last_frames(): curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) return curframe, calframe
[docs]def last_stack_frame(frame_num=2): return inspect.stack()[frame_num]
[docs]def calling_module(skip=2) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the name of the module which called your function/method. :param int skip: Skip this many frames. 0 = module containing calling_function() 1 = module which called calling_function() 2 = module which called the function that called calling_function() (default) and so on... :return str|None mod_name: Either a string containing the module name, or ``None`` if you've skipped too many frames. If called from the main python script, then ``'__main__'`` will be returned instead of a proper module path. """ stk = inspect.stack() if len(stk) <= skip: return None mod = inspect.getmodule(stk[skip][0]) if mod is None: return '__main__' return mod.__name__
[docs]def caller_name(skip=2) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the fully qualified name of a caller in the format ``some.module.SomeClass.method`` .. Attention:: While class instance methods will be returned correctly, class static methods will not show up as expected. The static method ``some.module.SomeClass.some_static`` would be returned as ``some.module.some_static``, as if it were a top-level function in the module. Original source: **Basic Example** When used within the main program (the script you run ``python3`` on), the module will be reported as ``__main__``. File ````:: >>> from privex.helpers.black_magic import caller_name >>> >>> def f2(): ... return caller_name() >>> >>> def f1(): ... return f2() ... >>> print(f"[{__name__}] f1 result: {f1()}") [__main__] f1 result: __main__.f1 However, as we can see below, when we create and run ```` which imports ````, it correctly returns the path ``hello.f1``. File ````:: >>> from hello import f1 >>> >>> print(f"[{__name__}] f1 result: {f1()}") [hello] f1 result: hello.f1 [__main__] f1 result: hello.f1 **More Complex Example** File ``some/module/``:: >>> from privex.helpers.black_magic import caller_name >>> >>> class SomeClass: >>> def example_method(self, skip=2): ... return caller_name(skip) ... File ``some/module/``:: >>> from some.module.hello import SomeClass >>> >>> class OtherClass: ... def call_some(self, skip=2): ... return SomeClass().example_method(skip) ... File ````:: >>> from some.module.hello import SomeClass >>> from import OtherClass >>> >>> def main_func(): ... print('SomeClass (2)', SomeClass().example_method()) ... print('OtherClass (1)', OtherClass().call_some(1)) ... print('OtherClass (2)', OtherClass().call_some()) ... print('OtherClass (3)', OtherClass().call_some(3)) ... >>> main_func() SomeClass (2) test.main_func OtherClass (1) some.module.hello.SomeClass.example_method OtherClass (2) OtherClass (3) test.main_func :param int skip: Specifies how many levels of stack to skip while getting caller name. ``skip=1`` means "who called caller_name", ``skip=2`` means "who called this function/method" etc. :return str caller: A fully qualified module path, e.g. ``some.module.SomeClass.some_method`` ``None`` is returned if skipped levels exceed stack height. """ stack = inspect.stack() start = 0 + skip if len(stack) < start + 1: return None parentframe = stack[start][0] name = [] module = inspect.getmodule(parentframe) # `modname` can be None when frame is executed directly in console # TODO(techtonik): consider using __main__ if module: name.append(module.__name__) # detect classname if 'self' in parentframe.f_locals: # I don't know any way to detect call from the object method # XXX: there seems to be no way to detect static method call - it will # be just a function call name.append(parentframe.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__) codename = parentframe.f_code.co_name if codename != '<module>': # top level usually name.append(codename) # function or a method # Avoid circular refs and frame leaks # del parentframe, stack _caller = ".".join(name) if _caller in ["", None]: return None return _caller