Source code for privex.helpers.cache.CacheAdapter

import asyncio
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Coroutine, Awaitable

from privex.helpers.asyncx import await_if_needed
from privex.helpers.common import empty_if

from privex.helpers.exceptions import CacheNotFound
from privex.helpers.settings import DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT
from privex.helpers.types import VAL_FUNC_CORO

[docs]class CacheAdapter(ABC): """ **CacheAdapter** is an abstract base class which scaffolds methods for implementing a Cache, allowing for consistent methods and method signatures across all child classes which implement it. This class cannot be instantiated by itself, only child classes which extend :class:`.CacheAdapter` and implement all methods marked with ``@abstractmethod`` can be instantiated. For an example implementation of CacheAdapter, see :class:`privex.helpers.cache.MemoryCache` """ adapter_enter_reconnect: bool = True """ Controls whether :meth:`.__enter__` automatically calls :meth:`.reconnect` to clear and re-create any previous connections/instances for the adapter. """ adapter_exit_close: bool = True """ Controls whether :meth:`.__exit__` automatically calls :meth:`.close` to close any connections/instances and destroy library class instances from the current adapter instance. """ ins_enter_reconnect: bool """ Per-instance version of :attr:`.adapter_enter_reconnect`, which is set via ``enter_reconnect`` the constructor. When ``__init__`` ``enter_reconnect`` is empty, it inherits the class attribute value from :attr:`.adapter_enter_reconnect` """ ins_exit_close: bool """ Per-instance version of :attr:`.adapter_exit_close`, which is set via ``exit_close`` the constructor. When ``__init__`` ``exit_close`` is empty, it inherits the class attribute value from :attr:`.adapter_exit_close` """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, enter_reconnect: Optional[bool] = None, exit_close: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs): self.ins_enter_reconnect = empty_if(enter_reconnect, self.adapter_enter_reconnect) self.ins_exit_close = empty_if(exit_close, self.adapter_exit_close)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None, fail: bool = False) -> Any: """ Return the value of cache key ``key``. If the key wasn't found, or it was expired, then ``default`` will be returned. Optionally, you may choose to pass ``fail=True``, which will cause this method to raise :class:`.CacheNotFound` instead of returning ``default`` when a key is non-existent / expired. :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to get the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any default: If the cache key ``key`` isn't found / is expired, return this value (Default: ``None``) :param bool fail: If set to ``True``, will raise :class:`.CacheNotFound` instead of returning ``default`` when a key is non-existent / expired. :raises CacheNotFound: Raised when ``fail=True`` and ``key`` was not found in cache / expired. :return Any value: The value of the cache key ``key``, or ``default`` if it wasn't found. """ raise NotImplemented(f'{self.__class__.__name__} must implement .get()')
[docs] @abstractmethod def set(self, key: str, value: Any, timeout: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT): """ Set the cache key ``key`` to the value ``value``, and automatically expire the key after ``timeout`` seconds from now. If ``timeout`` is ``None``, then the key will never expire (unless the cache implementation loses it's persistence, e.g. memory caches with no disk writes). :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to set the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any value: The value to store in the cache key ``key`` :param int timeout: The amount of seconds to keep the data in cache. Pass ``None`` to disable expiration. """ raise NotImplemented(f'{self.__class__.__name__} must implement .set()')
[docs] @abstractmethod def remove(self, *key: str) -> bool: """ Remove one or more keys from the cache. If all cache keys existed before removal, ``True`` will be returned. If some didn't exist (and thus couldn't remove), then ``False`` will be returned. :param str key: The cache key(s) to remove :return bool removed: ``True`` if ``key`` existed and was removed :return bool removed: ``False`` if ``key`` didn't exist, and no action was taken. """ raise NotImplemented(f'{self.__class__.__name__} must implement .remove()')
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_timeout(self, key: str, timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: """ Update the timeout for a given ``key`` to ``datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=timeout)`` This method should accept keys which are already expired, allowing expired cache keys to have their timeout extended **after** expiry. **Example**:: >>> c = CacheAdapter() >>> c.set('example', 'test', timeout=60) >>> sleep(70) >>> c.update_timeout('example', timeout=60) # Reset the timeout for ``'example'`` to ``now + 60 seconds`` >>> c.get('example') 'test' :param str key: The cache key to update the timeout for :param int timeout: Reset the timeout to this many seconds from ``datetime.utcnow()`` :raises CacheNotFound: Raised when ``key`` was not found in cache (thus cannot extend timeout) :return Any value: The value of the cache key """ raise NotImplemented(f'{self.__class__.__name__} must implement .extend_timeout()')
[docs] def get_or_set(self, key: str, value: Union[Any, callable], timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: """ Attempt to return the value of ``key`` in the cache. If ``key`` doesn't exist or is expired, then it will be set to ``value``, and ``value`` will be returned. The ``value`` parameter can be any standard type such as ``str`` or ``dict`` - or it can be a callable function / method which returns the value to set and return. **Basic Usage**:: >>> c = CacheAdapter() >>> c.get('testing') None >>> c.get_or_set('testing', 'hello world') 'hello world' >>> c.get('testing') 'hello world' **Set and get the value from a function if ``key`` didn't exist / was expired**:: >>> def my_func(key): return "hello {} world".format(key) >>> c = CacheAdapter() >>> c.get_or_set('example', my_func) 'hello example world' >>> c.get('example') 'hello example world' :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to get/set the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any value: The value to store in the cache key ``key``. Can be a standard type, or a callable function. :param int timeout: The amount of seconds to keep the data in cache. Pass ``None`` to disable expiration. :return Any value: The value of the cache key ``key``, or ``value`` if it wasn't found. """ key, timeout = str(key), int(timeout) try: k = self.get(key, fail=True) except CacheNotFound: k = value(key) if callable(value) else value self.set(key=key, value=k, timeout=timeout) return k
[docs] async def get_or_set_async(self, key: str, value: VAL_FUNC_CORO, timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: """ Async coroutine compatible version of :meth:`.get_or_set`. **Example with Async function**:: >>> async def my_coro(key): return f"hello {key} world" >>> c = CacheAdapter() >>> await c.get_or_set_async('coro_example', my_coro) 'hello example world' >>> c.get('coro_example') 'hello example world' **Also works with non-async functions**:: >>> def my_func(key): return f"hello {key} world" >>> await c.get_or_set_async('func_example', my_func) 'hello example world' >>> c.get('func_example') 'hello example world' :param str key: The cache key (as a string) to get/set the value for, e.g. ``example:test`` :param Any value: The value to store in the cache key ``key``. Can be a standard type, a coroutine / awaitable, or a plain callable function. :param int timeout: The amount of seconds to keep the data in cache. Pass ``None`` to disable expiration. :return Any value: The value of the cache key ``key``, or ``value`` if it wasn't found. """ key, timeout = str(key), int(timeout) try: k = self.get(key, fail=True) except CacheNotFound: k = value if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(value): k = await value(key) if asyncio.iscoroutine(value): k = await value elif callable(value): k = value(key) self.set(key=key, value=k, timeout=timeout) return k
def close(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Close any cache library connections, and destroy their local class instances by setting them to ``None``. """ return f"close() is not implemented by {self.__class__.__name__}" def connect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Create an instance of the library used to interact with the caching system, ensure it's connection is open, and store the instance on this class instance - only if not already connected. Should return the class instance which was created. """ return f"close() is not implemented by {self.__class__.__name__}" def reconnect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Calls :meth:`.close` to close any previous connections and cleanup instances, then re-create the connection(s)/instance(s) by calling :meth:`.connect` """ self.close() return self.connect() def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.get(key=item, fail=True) except CacheNotFound: raise KeyError(f'Key "{item}" not found in cache.') def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.set(key=key, value=value) async def __aenter__(self): """ Before starting a context manager, we close and cleanup any previous connection and re-create a fresh connection and instance, ensuring no conflicts such as connections/instances attached to other AsyncIO event loops :) """ if self.ins_enter_reconnect: await await_if_needed(self.reconnect()) return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Once a context manager is finished, we close and cleanup any instances / connections, ensuring no conflicts for code that might want to use the cache adapter in a different event loops. """ if self.ins_exit_close: await await_if_needed(self.reconnect()) return None def __enter__(self): """ Before starting a context manager, we close and cleanup any previous connection and re-create a fresh connection and instance, ensuring no conflicts such as connections/instances attached to other threads :) """ if self.ins_enter_reconnect: self.reconnect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Once a context manager is finished, we close and cleanup any instances / connections, ensuring no conflicts for code that might want to use the cache adapter in a different threads / event loops. """ if self.ins_exit_close: self.close() return None