Source code for privex.helpers.cache.SqliteCache

import pickle
import time
import logging
from os import makedirs
from os.path import dirname, exists, isabs, join
from typing import Any, Optional

from privex.helpers.cache.CacheAdapter import CacheAdapter
from privex.helpers.exceptions import CacheNotFound
from privex.helpers.common import empty, empty_if, is_true
from privex.helpers import settings

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _cache_result_expired(res, _auto_purge=True) -> bool:
    if empty(res): return False
    if empty(res.expires_at, zero=True) or not _auto_purge: return False
    return float(res.expires_at) <= time.time()

[docs]class SqliteCache(CacheAdapter): """ An SQLite3 backed implementation of :class:`.CacheAdapter`. Creates and uses a semi-global Sqlite instance via :py:mod:`privex.helpers.plugin` by default. To allow for a wide variety of Python objects to be safely stored and retrieved from Sqlite, this class uses the :py:mod:`pickle` module for serialising + un-serialising values to/from Sqlite. **Basic Usage**:: >>> from privex.helpers.cache import SqliteCache >>> rc = SqliteCache() >>> rc.set('hello', 'world') >>> rc['hello'] 'world' **Disabling Pickling** In some cases, you may need interoperable caching with other languages. The :py:mod:`pickle` serialisation technique is extremely specific to Python and is largely unsupported outside of Python. Thus if you need to share Sqlite cache data with applications in other languages, then you must disable pickling. **WARNING:** If you disable pickling, then you must perform your own serialisation + de-serialization on complex objects such as ``dict``, ``list``, ``Decimal``, or arbitrary classes/functions after getting or setting cache keys. **Disabling Pickle per instance** Pass ``use_pickle=False`` to the constructor, or access the attribute directly to disable pickling for a single instance of SqliteCache (not globally):: >>> rc = SqliteCache(use_pickle=False) # Opt 1. Disable pickle in constructor >>> rc.use_pickle = False # Opt 2. Disable pickle on an existing instance **Disabling Pickle by default on any new instances** Change the static attribute :py:attr:`.pickle_default` to ``False`` to disable the use of pickle by default across any new instances of SqliteCache:: >>> SqliteCache.pickle_default = False """ pickle_default: bool = True """ Change this to ``False`` to disable the use of :py:mod:`pickle` by default for any new instances of this class. """ use_pickle: bool """If ``True``, will use :py:mod:`pickle` for serializing objects before inserting into Sqlite, and un-serialising objects retrieved from Sqlite3. This attribute is set in :py:meth:`.__init__`. Change this to ``False`` to disable the use of :py:mod:`pickle` - instead values will be passed to / returned from Sqlite3 as-is, with no serialisation (this may require you to manually serialize complex types such as ``dict`` and ``Decimal`` before insertion, and un-serialise after retrieval). """ last_purged_expired: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, db_file: str = None, memory_persist=False, use_pickle: bool = None, connection_kwargs: dict = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :class:`.SqliteCache` uses an auto-generated database filename / path by default, based on the name of the currently running script ( retrieved from ``sys.argv[0]`` ), allowing for persistent caching - without any manual configuration of the adapter, nor the requirement for any running background services such as ``redis`` / ``memcached``. :param str db_file: (Optional) Name of / path to Sqlite3 database file to create/use for the cache. :param bool memory_persist: Use a shared in-memory database, which can be accessed by other instances of this class (in this process) - which is cleared after all memory connections are closed. Shortcut for ``db_file='file::memory:?cache=shared'`` :param bool use_pickle: (Default: ``True``) Use the built-in ``pickle`` to serialise values before storing in Sqlite3, and un-serialise when loading from Sqlite3 :param dict connection_kwargs: (Optional) Additional / overriding kwargs to pass to :meth:`sqlite3.connect` when :class:`.SqliteCacheManager` initialises it's sqlite3 connection. :keyword int purge_every: (Default: 300) Expired + abandoned cache records are purged using the DB manager method :meth:`.SqliteCacheManager.purge_expired` during :meth:`.get` / :meth:`.set` calls. To avoid performance issues, the actual :meth:`.SqliteCacheManager.purge_expired` method is only called if at least ``purge_every`` seconds have passed since the last purge was triggered ( :attr:`.last_purged_expired` ) """ from privex.helpers.cache.post_deps import SqliteCacheManager super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.db_file: str = empty_if(db_file, SqliteCacheManager.DEFAULT_DB) self.db_folder = None if ':memory:' not in self.db_file: if not isabs(self.db_file): self.db_file = join(SqliteCacheManager.DEFAULT_DB_FOLDER, self.db_file) self.db_folder = dirname(self.db_file) if not exists(self.db_folder): log.debug("Folder for database doesn't exist. Creating: %s", self.db_folder) makedirs(self.db_folder) self.connection_kwargs = empty_if(connection_kwargs, {}, itr=True) self.memory_persist = is_true(memory_persist) self._wrapper = None self.purge_every = kwargs.get('purge_every', 300) self.use_pickle = self.pickle_default if use_pickle is None else use_pickle
@property def purge_due(self) -> bool: lpe = SqliteCache.last_purged_expired return empty(lpe, zero=True) or (time.time() - lpe) >= self.purge_every @property def wrapper(self): if not self._wrapper: from privex.helpers.cache.post_deps import SqliteCacheManager self._wrapper = SqliteCacheManager( db=self.db_file, connection_kwargs=self.connection_kwargs, memory_persist=self.memory_persist ) return self._wrapper
[docs] def purge_expired(self, force=False) -> Optional[int]: if self.purge_due or force: log.debug("%s - Expired items purge is due (or force is True). Purging expired cache items...", self.__class__.__name__) res = self.wrapper.purge_expired() log.debug("Finished purging expired items. Total expired cache items deleted: %s", res) SqliteCache.last_purged_expired = time.time() return res return None
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None, fail: bool = False, _auto_purge=True) -> Any: key = str(key) _not_found_msg = f'Cache key "{key}" was not found.' if _auto_purge: self.purge_expired() res = self.wrapper.find_cache_key(key) if _cache_result_expired(res, _auto_purge=_auto_purge): log.debug("Caller attempted to retrieve expired key '%s', but _auto_purge is True - auto-removing expired key %s", key, key) self.remove(key) res = None _not_found_msg += ' (key was expired - auto-removed)' if empty(res): if fail: raise CacheNotFound(_not_found_msg) return default return pickle.loads(res.value) if self.use_pickle else res.value
[docs] def set(self, key: str, value: Any, timeout: Optional[int] = settings.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT, _auto_purge=True): if _auto_purge: self.purge_expired() v = pickle.dumps(value) if self.use_pickle else value return self.wrapper.set_cache_key(str(key), v, expires_secs=timeout)
[docs] def remove(self, *key: str) -> bool: removed = 0 for k in key: k = str(k) try: self.get(k, fail=True, _auto_purge=False) self.wrapper.delete_cache_key(k) removed += 1 except CacheNotFound: pass return removed == len(key)
[docs] def update_timeout(self, key: str, timeout: int = settings.DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: key, timeout = str(key), int(timeout) v = self.get(key=key, fail=True, _auto_purge=False) self.set(key=key, value=v, timeout=timeout, _auto_purge=False) return v
[docs] def connect(self, db=None, *args, connection_kwargs=None, memory_persist=None, **kwargs): c_kwargs = dict( connection_kwargs=empty_if(connection_kwargs, self.connection_kwargs), memory_persist=empty_if(memory_persist, self.memory_persist) ) c_kwargs = {**c_kwargs, **kwargs} from privex.helpers.cache.post_deps import SqliteCacheManager self._wrapper = SqliteCacheManager(empty_if(db, self.db_file), *args, **c_kwargs) return self._wrapper
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] def close(self): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ if self._wrapper is not None: log.debug("Closing Synchronous Sqlite3 instance %s._wrapper", cls_name) if self._wrapper._conn: try: self._wrapper._conn.close() except Exception: log.exception("Unexpected error while closing %s._wrapper._conn", cls_name) self._wrapper._conn = None self._wrapper = None