Source code for privex.helpers.cache.asyncx.AsyncMemcachedCache

import asyncio
import pickle
from typing import Any, Union, Optional
from async_property import async_property
from privex.helpers.common import empty, byteify
from privex.helpers.exceptions import CacheNotFound
from privex.helpers.settings import DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT
from privex.helpers.plugin import get_memcached_async, close_memcached_async
from privex.helpers.cache.asyncx.base import AsyncCacheAdapter
import aiomcache
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AsyncMemcachedCache(AsyncCacheAdapter): """ A Memcached backed implementation of :class:`.AsyncCacheAdapter`. Uses the global Memcached instance from :py:mod:`privex.helpers.plugin` by default, however custom Memcached instances can be passed in via the constructor argument ``mcache_instance``. To allow for a wide variety of Python objects to be safely stored and retrieved from Memcached, this class uses the :py:mod:`pickle` module for serialising + un-serialising values to/from Memcached. **Basic Usage**:: >>> from privex.helpers import AsyncMemcachedCache >>> rc = AsyncMemcachedCache() >>> await rc.set('hello', 'world') >>> rc['hello'] 'world' **Disabling Pickling** In some cases, you may need interoperable caching with other languages. The :py:mod:`pickle` serialisation technique is extremely specific to Python and is largely unsupported outside of Python. Thus if you need to share Memcached cache data with applications in other languages, then you must disable pickling. **WARNING:** If you disable pickling, then you must perform your own serialisation + de-serialization on complex objects such as ``dict``, ``list``, ``Decimal``, or arbitrary classes/functions after getting or setting cache keys. **Disabling Pickle per instance** Pass ``use_pickle=False`` to the constructor, or access the attribute directly to disable pickling for a single instance of MemcachedCache (not globally):: >>> rc = AsyncMemcachedCache(use_pickle=False) # Opt 1. Disable pickle in constructor >>> rc.use_pickle = False # Opt 2. Disable pickle on an existing instance **Disabling Pickle by default on any new instances** Change the static attribute :py:attr:`.pickle_default` to ``False`` to disable the use of pickle by default across any new instances of AsyncMemcachedCache:: >>> AsyncMemcachedCache.pickle_default = False """ pickle_default: bool = True """ Change this to ``False`` to disable the use of :py:mod:`pickle` by default for any new instances of this class. """ use_pickle: bool """If ``True``, will use :py:mod:`pickle` for serializing objects before inserting into Memcached, and un-serialising objects retrieved from Memcached. This attribute is set in :py:meth:`.__init__`. Change this to ``False`` to disable the use of :py:mod:`pickle` - instead values will be passed to / returned from Memcached as-is, with no serialisation (this may require you to manually serialize complex types such as ``dict`` and ``Decimal`` before insertion, and un-serialise after retrieval). """ adapter_enter_reconnect: bool = True adapter_exit_close: bool = True _mcache: Optional[aiomcache.Client]
[docs] def __init__(self, use_pickle: bool = None, mcache_instance: aiomcache.Client = None, *args, **kwargs): """ AsyncMemcachedCache by default uses the global Memcached instance from :py:mod:`privex.helpers.plugin`. It's recommended to use :py:func:`privex.helpers.plugin.configure_memcached_async` if you need to change any Memcached settings, as this will adjust the global settings and re-instantiate the global instance if required. Alternatively, you may pass an instance of :class:`aiomcache.Client` as ``mcache_instance``, then that will be used instead of the global instance from :py:func:`.get_memcached_async` :param bool use_pickle: (Default: ``True``) Use the built-in ``pickle`` to serialise values before storing in Memcached, and un-serialise when loading from Memcached :param aiomcache.Client mcache_instance: If this isn't ``None`` / ``False``, then this Memcached instance will be used instead of the global one from :py:func:`.get_memcached_async` :keyword bool enter_reconnect: Pass ``enter_reconnect=False`` to disable calling :meth:`.reconnect` when entering this cache adapter as a context manager (:meth:`.__aenter__`) :keyword bool exit_close: Pass ``exit_close=False`` to disable calling :meth:`.close` when exiting this cache adapter as a context manager (:meth:`.__aexit__`) """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._mcache = None if not mcache_instance else mcache_instance self.use_pickle = self.pickle_default if use_pickle is None else use_pickle
@async_property async def mcache(self) -> aiomcache.Client: # We can't recycle connections with aiomcache, so we need to make sure to get a new connection for every instance. # if self._mcache is None: # self._mcache = await get_memcached_async(new_connection=True) return await self.connect()
[docs] async def get(self, key: Union[bytes, str], default: Any = None, fail: bool = False) -> Any: key = byteify(key) r = await self.mcache res = await r.get(key) if empty(res): if fail: raise CacheNotFound(f'Cache key "{key}" was not found.') return default return pickle.loads(res) if self.use_pickle else res
[docs] async def set(self, key: Union[bytes, str], value: Any, timeout: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT): r: aiomcache.Client = await self.mcache v = pickle.dumps(value) if self.use_pickle else value return await r.set(byteify(key), v, exptime=timeout)
[docs] async def remove(self, *key: Union[bytes, str]) -> bool: removed = 0 for k in key: k = byteify(k) try: await self.get(k, fail=True) r = await self.mcache await r.delete(k) removed += 1 except CacheNotFound: pass return removed == len(key)
[docs] async def update_timeout(self, key: str, timeout: int = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT) -> Any: key, timeout = str(key), int(timeout) v = await self.get(key=key, fail=True) await self.set(key=key, value=v, timeout=timeout) return v
[docs] async def connect(self, *args, new_connection=True, **kwargs) -> aiomcache.Client: # We can't recycle connections with aiomcache, so we need to make sure to get a new connection for every instance. if not self._mcache: self._mcache = await get_memcached_async(*args, new_connection=new_connection, **kwargs) return self._mcache
[docs] async def close(self): if self._mcache is not None: log.debug("Closing AsyncIO Memcached instance %s._mcache", self.__class__.__name__) await self._mcache.close() self._mcache = None return await close_memcached_async()