Source code for privex.helpers.crypto.base

Various small helper functions/classes often used by classes such as :py:mod:`.EncryptHelper` and :py:mod:`.KeyManager`

import base64
from typing import Union

from privex.helpers import byteify

[docs]def is_base64(sb: Union[str, bytes], urlsafe: bool = True) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if ``sb`` appears to be a Base64 encoded string/bytes, otherwise ``False`` :param str|bytes sb: Data to check for base64 encoding :param bool urlsafe: (Default: ``True``) Use :py:func:`base64.urlsafe_b64encode` and decode, instead of plain :py:func:`base64.b64encode` and decode. :return bool is_base64: ``True`` if data appears to be Base64, otherwise ``False`` """ b64_enc = base64.urlsafe_b64encode if urlsafe else base64.b64encode b64_dec = base64.urlsafe_b64decode if urlsafe else base64.b64decode try: if isinstance(sb, str): # If there's any unicode here, an exception will be thrown and the function will return false sb = bytes(sb, 'ascii') if not isinstance(sb, bytes): raise ValueError("Argument 'sb' must be string or bytes") return b64_enc(b64_dec(sb)) == sb except Exception: return False
[docs]def auto_b64decode(data: Union[str, bytes], urlsafe: bool = True) -> bytes: """ Determines if ``data`` is base64 encoded. If it is, then it will decode it and return the decoded bytes. Otherwise, it will return the original data as bytes. **Example usage** >>> a = b'dGVzdGluZw==' >>> b = 'hello world' >>> auto_b64decode(a) # This is detected to be Base64 encoded, and so the decoded data is returned b'testing' >>> auto_b64decode(b) # This does not appear to be Base64, and so is returned as normal (but as bytes) b'hello world' :param str|bytes data: Data to check for base64, and decode if required :param bool urlsafe: (Default: ``True``) Use :py:func:`base64.urlsafe_b64decode`, instead of plain :py:func:`base64.b64decode` :return bytes data: If ``data`` was base64, this will be the decoded bytes. Otherwise, the original data as bytes. """ data = byteify(data) b64_dec = base64.urlsafe_b64decode if urlsafe else base64.b64decode if is_base64(data): return b64_dec(data) return data