Source code for privex.helpers.exceptions

Exception classes used either by our helpers, or just generic exception names which are missing from
the standard base exceptions in Python, and are commonly used across our projects.


        |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
        |                    |
        |                                                   |
        |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
        |        License: X11 / MIT                         |
        |                                                   |
        |        Core Developer(s):                         |
        |                                                   |
        |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
        |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
        |                                                   |

    Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )


[docs]class PrivexException(Exception): """Base exception for all custom Privex exceptions""" pass
class NotFound(Exception): """Generic exception mixin for all exceptions related to something not being found""" pass class NestedContextException(PrivexException): """ Raised by a context manager when there's a conflict while nesting multiple ``with xxx as y`` blocks - for example if there's too many nested ``with`` layers. """ ##### # Exceptions related to DNS (domain, or individual record errors) #####
[docs]class BaseDNSException(PrivexException): """Base exception for DNS-related exceptions""" pass
[docs]class BoundaryException(BaseDNSException): """ Thrown when the v4/v6 address boundary for a reverse DNS record is invalid. An "address boundary" is the minimum amount of bits that defines a character in a reverse DNS domain (i.e. those ending in in-addr/ - IPv6 uses "nibbles" of 4 bits for each individual character in a standard 128-bit address - IPv4 uses "octets" of 8 bits, which represent 0-255 in each of the 4 "blocks" within an IPv4 address This means the minimum and maximum boundaries for IPv4 and IPv6 are as such: IPv6 - Minimum boundary: 4 bits (``*``), Maximum boundary: 128 bits (rDNS for a single address, i.e. a /128) IPv4 - Minimum boundary: 8 bits (````), Maximum boundary: 32 bits (````) """ pass
[docs]class DomainNotFound(BaseDNSException, NotFound): """Thrown when a (sub)domain or it's parent(s) could not be found""" pass
[docs]class InvalidDNSRecord(BaseDNSException): """Thrown when a passed DNS record is not valid""" pass
[docs]class CacheNotFound(PrivexException, NotFound): """ Thrown when a cache key is requested, but it doesn't exist / is expired. Most likely only used when some form of "strict mode" is enabled for the cache adapter. """ pass
[docs]class NotConfigured(PrivexException): """ Thrown when code attempts to access something that wasn't fully configured / instantiated by the user. Example: Attempting to use a database dependant function/method without having configured any database details. """
[docs]class NetworkUnreachable(PrivexException): """ Thrown when a network interface or IP version (e.g. IPv4/v6) is unavailable. Example: when running ``ping`` with an IPv6 address on a system which has no IPv6. """
[docs]class EncryptionError(PrivexException): """Raised when something went wrong attempting to encrypt or decrypt a piece of data""" pass
[docs]class EncryptKeyMissing(EncryptionError, NotFound): """Raised when ENCRYPT_KEY is not set, or invalid""" pass
[docs]class InvalidFormat(EncryptionError): """ Raised when an invalid public/private format, or encoding is specified when serializing an asymmetric key pair """
[docs]class SysCallError(PrivexException): """ Raised when an error appears to have been returned after calling an external command (e.g. via :class:`subprocess.Popen`) """
class GeoIPException(PrivexException): pass class GeoIPDatabaseNotFound(GeoIPException, NotFound): pass class GeoIPAddressNotFound(GeoIPException, NotFound): pass class ReverseDNSNotFound(PrivexException, NotFound): """Raised when a given IP address does not have a reverse DNS set""" pass class InvalidHost(PrivexException, ValueError): """Raised when a passed IP address or hostname/domain is invalid.""" pass class LockConflict(PrivexException): """ Raised when attempting to acquire a lock with a :class:`threading.Lock` or :class:`asyncio.Lock`, and the lock object is already locked. This would only be raised either when non-blocking acquisition was requested, or the blocking wait timed out. """ class LockWaitTimeout(LockConflict): """ Sub-class of :class:`.LockConflict` - only to be raised when a timeout has been reached while waiting to acquire a :class:`threading.Lock` """ class EventWaitTimeout(PrivexException): """ Raised when a timeout has been reached while waiting for an event (:class:`threading.Event`) to be signalled. """ class ValidatorNotMatched(PrivexException): pass