Source code for privex.helpers.extras.git

Helper functions / classes for using ``git`` within a python application.

Quickstart with the aliases ``get_current_commit``, ``get_current_tag`` and ``get_current_branch``

To save you time, we pre-instantiate :class:`._AsyncGit` at :attr:`._cwd_git` within the module, using the current working
directory as the repo, allowing you to quickly call some of the most common Git functions without having to instantiate
a ``Git()`` instance::

    >>> from privex.helpers import get_current_tag, get_current_branch, get_current_commit
    >>> get_current_commit()
    >>> get_current_branch()
    >>> get_current_tag()

Using the Git class ( :class:`._AsyncGit` )

Basic usage of :class:`.Git` ( :class:`._AsyncGit` )

For full functionality, you'll want to import ``Git`` and create an instance.

Despite the fact that the Git class methods are all async methods, they can be called from within a synchronous app or context, and
they'll generally work as if they were synchronous functions, thanks to the :func:`.awaitable_class` decorator.

    >>> from privex.helpers import Git
    >>> g = Git(repo='/home/user/projects/some_app')
    >>> g.get_current_commit()
    >>> g.add("docs", "")
    >>> g.commit("1.2.3 - Added documentation and")
    >>> g.tag('1.2.3')
    >>> g.get_current_tag()

Using Git commands which don't have a method implemented

The magic method :meth:`._AsyncGit.__getattr__` allows you to call Git sub-commands which aren't yet implemented as a method, simply
by calling the command's name as a method on the class instance.

If the sub-command contains ``-`` 's (dashes) in it's name, simply replace the dashes with underlines - ``__getattr__`` will
automatically rewrite the underlines (``_``) back into dashes (``-``).

For example, we can run ``git count-objects`` by calling the method ``count_objects``, even though ``count_objects`` isn't
implemented as a method. Just like normal methods, we can call it synchronously from non-async functions/methods, and use async ``await``
when using it within asynchronous code::

    >>> await g.count_objects()
    '2061 objects, 8880 kilobytes'
    >>> g.count_objects('-v')
    'count: 2061\nsize: 8880\nin-pack: 0\npacks: 0\nsize-pack: 0\nprune-packable: 0\ngarbage: 0\nsize-garbage: 0'

from os import getcwd
from os.path import isabs, abspath, join
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Callable, Coroutine, Union, Any, AnyStr

from privex.helpers.common import stringify, empty, empty_if
from privex.helpers import STRBYTES
from privex.helpers.asyncx import call_sys_async, awaitable, awaitable_class
from privex.helpers.exceptions import SysCallError

async def _async_sys(proc, *args, write: STRBYTES = None, **kwargs) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Small async wrapper function for :func:`.call_sys_async` to simplify calling ``git``, including detecting git errors"""
    stderr_raise = kwargs.pop('stderr_raise', False)
    strip = kwargs.pop('strip', True)
    out, err = await call_sys_async(proc, *args, write=write, **kwargs)
    out, err = stringify(out, if_none=''), stringify(err, if_none='')
    if strip: out, err = out.strip(), err.strip()
    if len(err) > 1 and stderr_raise:
        raise SysCallError(f'Git returned an error: "{err}"')
    return out, err

def _repo(repo: str = None) -> str:
    A very simple private helper function which ensures the passed ``repo`` is an absolute directory path. If ``repo`` is blank,
    then simply returns the current working directory. Converts relative paths into absolute paths by joining them to :func:`.getcwd`
    repo = getcwd() if empty(repo) else repo
    return join(getcwd(), repo) if not isabs(repo) else repo

[docs]class _AsyncGit: """ Git CLI wrapper class - methods can be used both synchronously and async via ``AsyncGit`` / ``Git`` (aliases, both are the same) This class uses the :func:`.awaitable_class` decorator to make the class work both synchronously and asynchronously, without needing to duplicate code. The :func:`.awaitable_class` decorator detects whether the methods are being called from a synchronous, or an asynchronous function/method. * If they're being called from an async function, then a coroutine will be returned, and must be ``await``'ed. * If they're being called from a synchronous function, then it will spin up an event loop, run the method in the event loop, then return the result transparently. **Synchronous usage**:: >>> from privex.helpers import Git >>> g = Git() # Git is an alias for AsyncGit, there is no difference between them >>> >>> def some_func(): ... current_commit = g.get_current_commit() ... print(current_commit) 'ac52b28f551825160785f9ea7e96f86ccc869cc1' **Asynchronous usage**:: >>> from privex.helpers import Git >>> g = Git() # Git is an alias for AsyncGit, there is no difference between them >>> >>> async def some_func(): ... current_commit = await g.get_current_commit() ... print(current_commit) 'ac52b28f551825160785f9ea7e96f86ccc869cc1' """ repo: Optional[str] default_version: str
[docs] def __init__(self, repo: str = None, default_version: str = 'HEAD', **kwargs): self.repo = None self.repo = _repo(repo) self.default_version = default_version
[docs] def _repo(self, repo=None) -> str: return self.repo if empty(repo) and not empty(self.repo) else _repo(repo)
[docs] async def git(self, *args, repo: str = None, strip=True, stderr=False) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]: """ Wrapper async method for calling ``git`` executable command against a repo - casts args to :class:`str`. This is intended for use internally by :class:`._AsyncGit` methods, but is under a non-private method name to allow you to call Git commands semi-directly if the class methods are getting in the way. Example:: >>> Git().git('commit', '--amend', '-a', '-m', 'lorem ipsum dolor') :param AnyStr|int|float|object|Any args: Positional command line arguments to pass to ``git``. Most formats are fine, as long as they can be casted into a :class:`str` :param str|None repo: The repository to run the command against. When ``None``, uses the value of :attr:`.repo` :param bool strip: (Default: ``True``) Whether to run :meth:`str.strip` on the string outputs of the command :param bool stderr: (Default: ``False``) When ``True``, includes the stderr output in the response like so: ``(stdout, stderr)`` When ``False``, simply returns ``stdout`` directly as a :class:`str` :return str stdout: (when ``stderr=False``) The text outputted to stdout by the command :return Tuple[str,str] stdout_err: (when ``stderr=True``) A :class:`tuple` containing ``(stdout: str, stderr: str)`` """ repo = self._repo(repo) out, err = await _async_sys("git", *[stringify(a) for a in args], cwd=repo, strip=strip) return (out, err) if stderr else out
_git = git
[docs] async def init(self, *args, repo: str = None) -> str: """ Use like ``git init`` **Example**:: >>> Git().init() **Initialise a different repo from the one passed in the constructor**:: >>> Git().init(repo="/home/user/myproject") """ return await self.git("init", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def add(self, *args, repo: str = None) -> str: """ Use like ``git add`` Example: >>> Git().add("docs/", "") """ return await self.git("add", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def branch(self, *args, repo: str = None) -> str: return await self.git("branch", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def commit(self, message: Optional[Union[str, bool]], *args, repo: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Calls ``git commit`` with the arguments ``-m "message" [args]``, where each positional argument passed after the message is passed as a command line argument. To disable prepending ``-m`` to the arguments, pass ``None`` as the ``message`` and only your specified ``args`` will be passed along to ``git commit``. You may also set ``message`` to ``False`` which will call ``git commit --allow-empty-message [args]`` instead of prepending ``-m``. **Basic Usage** Standard commit with a message, plus the argument '-a':: >>> g = Git() >>> g.commit("added example.txt", "-a") Pass ``None`` as the message to disable prepending ``-m`` to the git arguments. For example, the following call commits the current staged changes, while re-using the commit message/author info/timestamp from the previous commit ``9e27d7233ac5bc59bc37c0572a401068fbd5e6be``:: >>> g.commit(None, "-C", "9e27d7233ac5bc59bc37c0572a401068fbd5e6be") Pass ``False`` as the message for an easy way to call ``git commit --allow-empty-message``, plus any additional arguments you might pass:: >>> g.commit(False, '-a') :param str|bool message: The git commit message to commit with. Alternatively ``None`` to remove the default ``-m``, or ``False`` as a shortcut for ``--allow-empty-message`` instead of ``-m``. :param args: Additional CLI arguments to pass to ``git commit`` :param str repo: (as a kwarg only!) An absolute path to a Git repository to run ``git commit`` within. By default, this is ``None`` which results in the repo passed in the constructor ( :attr:`.repo` ) being used. :return str stdout: The string text printed to stdout by ``git commit`` while running the command. """ if message is None: return await self.git("commit", *args, repo=repo) if message is False: return await self.git("commit", "--allow-empty-message", *args, repo=repo) return await self.git("commit", "-m", stringify(message), *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def checkout(self, branch: str, *args, repo: str = None, new: bool = False) -> str: args = ['-b', branch] + list(args) if new else [branch] + list(args) return await self.git("checkout", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def status(self, *args, repo: str = None, concise=True) -> str: if concise: args = ['-s'] + list(args) return await self.git("status", *args, repo=repo, strip=False)
[docs] async def tag(self, *args, repo: str = None) -> str: return await self.git("tag", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] async def get_current_commit(self, version: str = None, repo: str = None) -> str: """ Get current commit hash. Optionally specify ``version`` to get the current commit hash for a branch or tag. **Examples**:: >>> g = Git() >>> await g.get_current_commit() 'ac52b28f551825160785f9ea7e96f86ccc869cc1' >>> await g.get_current_commit('2.0.0') # Get the commit hash for the tag 2.0.0 '598584a447ba63212ac3fe798c01941badf1c194' :param str version: Optionally specify a branch / tag to get the current commit hash for. :param str repo: Optionally specify a specific local repository path to run ``git`` within. :return str commit_hash: The current Git commit hash """ return await self.git("rev-parse", empty_if(version, self.default_version), repo=repo)
[docs] async def get_current_branch(self, repo: str = None) -> str: """ Get current active branch/tag. **Examples**:: >>> g = Git() >>> await g.get_current_branch() 'master' >>> await g.checkout('testing', new=True) # Create and checkout the branch 'testing' >>> await g.get_current_branch() 'testing' :param str repo: Optionally specify a specific local repository path to run ``git`` within. :return str current_branch: The name of the current checked out branch or tag """ return await self.git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", 'HEAD', repo=repo)
[docs] async def get_current_tag(self, version: str = None, repo: str = None) -> str: """ Get the latest tag on this branch - useful for detecting current version of your python application. **Examples**:: >>> g = Git() >>> await g.get_current_tag() # Get the latest tag on the active branch '2.5.0' >>> await g.get_current_tag('develop') # Get the latest tag on the branch 'develop' '2.5.3' :param str version: Optionally specify a branch / tag to get the latest tag for. :param str repo: Optionally specify a specific local repository path to run ``git`` within. :return str current_tag: The name of the latest tag on this branch. """ return await self.git("describe", "--abbrev=0", "--tags", empty_if(version, self.default_version), repo=repo)
[docs] async def log(self, *args, repo: str = None, concise=True): if concise: args = ['--oneline'] + list(args) return await self.git("--no-pager", "log", *args, repo=repo)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Union[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], Coroutine], callable, Any]: """ If an attribute doesn't exist, this method will return a :func:`.awaitable` function that simply calls :meth:`.git` with the attribute name as the first argument, followed by any additional positional/keyword arguments. Since a lot of git commands have ``-`` in their name, but Python doesn't support attributes containing ``-``, non-existent attributes will have ``_`` replaced with ``-`` when calling :meth:`.git` with their name. For example, ``git.count_objects('-v')`` would become ``git count-objects -v`` This allows most unimplemented ``git`` sub-commands to function when called as a method, for example, at the current point in time, neither the ``describe`` command, nor ``count-objects`` are implemented as a method, but both can still be called synchronously or asynchronously and it will work:: >>> from privex.helpers import Git >>> g = Git() >>> g.describe('--tags') '2.14.0-1-g8418c96' >>> await g.describe('--tags') '2.14.0-1-g8418c96' >>> g.count_objects() '2061 objects, 8880 kilobytes' >>> await g.count_objects() '2061 objects, 8880 kilobytes' """ try: value = super().__getattribute__(item) return value except AttributeError: @awaitable def _git(*args, **kwargs): return self.git(item.replace('_', '-'), *args, **kwargs) return _git
AsyncGit = awaitable_class(_AsyncGit) Git = AsyncGit _cwd_git = AsyncGit() """ :attr:`._cwd_git` is a pre-instantiated :class:`._AsyncGit` instance which uses the current working directory as the current git repo. This instance is used by global instance method aliases :attr:`.get_current_commit`, :attr:`.get_current_branch`, :attr:`.get_current_tag`, to allow developers to easily call methods such as :meth:`._AsyncGit.get_current_tag` without having to instantiate the :class:`.Git` class. """ get_current_commit = _cwd_git.get_current_commit """Alias for :meth:`.AsyncGit.get_current_commit` (using pre-instantiated AsyncGit at :attr:`._cwd_git`)""" get_current_branch = _cwd_git.get_current_branch """Alias for :meth:`.AsyncGit.get_current_branch` (using pre-instantiated AsyncGit at :attr:`._cwd_git`)""" get_current_tag = _cwd_git.get_current_tag """Alias for :meth:`.AsyncGit.get_current_tag` (using pre-instantiated AsyncGit at :attr:`._cwd_git`)""" __all__ = [ 'AsyncGit', 'Git', 'get_current_commit', 'get_current_branch', 'get_current_tag', '_repo', ]