Source code for privex.helpers.setuppy.common

Requirements / distutils "extras" helpers

Example usage for requirements/extras helpers


    >>> extensions = ['cache', 'crypto', 'django']
    # Loads ``extras/{extension}.txt`` for each extension, then returns a dictionary mapping each extension
    # to their requirements
    >>> extras_require(extensions)
    {'cache': ['redis'], 'crypto': ['cryptography>=2.8'], 'django': ['Django']}

    # Load ``example.txt`` and merge sub-requirement lists.
    >>> reqs('example.txt')
    ['privex-loghelper>=1.0', 'privex-jsonrpc', 'requests']

License note

The following functions were taken from Celery's ```` file. Since the time of writing
this comment block, they may have been further modified from their originals.

 * strip_comments
 * pip_requirement
 * _reqs
 * reqs
 * extras

Celery is licensed under The BSD License (3 Clause, also known as the new BSD license). The license is an
OSI approved Open Source license and is GPL-compatible(1).

The BSD license text can also be found here:

Celery LICENSE file:

import logging
import os
from privex.helpers.settings import EXTRAS_FOLDER
from typing import Union, Dict

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def strip_comments(l: str) -> str: """ Strip any ``#`` comments from a line. :param str l: A string line, which may contain ``#`` comments :return str clean_line: The line ``l`` - stripped of any comments and excess whitespace. """ return l.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
[docs]def pip_requirement(req: str) -> list: """Check a requirement line for imports ``-r some/path/requirements.txt`` and import them if found.""" if req.startswith('-r '): _, path = req.split() return reqs(*path.split('/')) return [req]
def _reqs(*f: str) -> list: lines = (strip_comments(l) for l in open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), *f)).readlines()) return [pip_requirement(r) for r in lines if r]
[docs]def reqs(*f: str) -> list: """ Parse requirement file. Example: reqs('default.txt') # $PWD/default.txt reqs('extras', 'redis.txt') # $PWD/extras/redis.txt Returns: List[str]: list of requirements specified in the file. """ return [req for subreq in _reqs(*f) for req in subreq]
[docs]def extras(*p) -> list: """Parse requirement in the extras/ directory.""" return reqs(EXTRAS_FOLDER, *p)
[docs]def extras_require(extra: Union[list, set, tuple]) -> Dict[str, list]: """Get map of all extra requirements.""" return {x: extras(x + '.txt') for x in extra}