Source code for tests.test_collections

Test cases for :py:mod:`privex.helpers.collections`


        |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
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        |        Originally Developed by Privex Inc.        |
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        |        Core Developer(s):                         |
        |                                                   |
        |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
        |          (+)  Kale (@kryogenic) [Privex]          |
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    Copyright 2019     Privex Inc.   ( )

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
    this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
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import inspect
import json
import warnings
from typing import Union
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict

from privex import helpers
from privex.helpers import dictable_namedtuple, is_namedtuple, subclass_dictable_namedtuple, \
    convert_dictable_namedtuple, DictObject, OrderedDictObject, copy_class, Mocker, DictDataClass
from tests.base import PrivexBaseCase
import logging

    import pytest
    HAS_PYTEST = True
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('WARNING: Could not import pytest. You should run "pip3 install pytest" to ensure tests work best')
    from privex.helpers.mockers import pytest
    HAS_PYTEST = False

    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
except ImportError:
        'WARNING: Could not import dataclasses module (Python older than 3.7?). '
        'For older python versions such as 3.6, you can run "pip3 install dataclasses" to install the dataclasses '
        'backport library, which emulates Py3.7+ dataclasses using older syntax.', category=ImportWarning
    # To avoid a severe syntax error caused by the missing dataclass types, we generate a dummy dataclass and field class
    # so that type annotations such as Type[dataclass] don't break the test before it can be skipped.
    from privex.helpers.mockers import dataclass, field, dataclasses

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TestDictObject(PrivexBaseCase):
[docs] def test_convert_from_dict(self): """Test converting a :class:`dict` into a :class:`.DictObject`""" x = dict(hello='world', example='testing') y = DictObject(x) self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(y['hello'], 'world') self.assertEqual(y['example'], 'testing') self.assertEqual(y.hello, 'world') self.assertEqual(y.example, 'testing')
[docs] def test_convert_to_dict(self): """Test converting a :class:`.DictObject` into a :class:`dict`""" x = DictObject(hello='world', example='testing') y = dict(x) self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(y['hello'], 'world') self.assertEqual(y['example'], 'testing')
[docs] def test_json_dumps(self): """Test serializing a simple :class:`.DictObject` into JSON""" x = DictObject(hello='world', example='testing') j = json.dumps(x) self.assertEqual(j, '{"hello": "world", "example": "testing"}')
[docs] def test_json_dumps_nested(self): """Test serializing a :class:`.DictObject` with a nested :class:`.DictObject` into JSON""" x = DictObject(hello='world', example='testing') x.layer = DictObject(test=True) j = json.dumps(x) self.assertEqual(j, '{"hello": "world", "example": "testing", "layer": {"test": true}}')
[docs] def test_set_item(self): """Test setting a dictionary key via an item/key ``x['y'] = 123``""" x = DictObject() x['testing'] = 'testitem' self.assertEqual(x['testing'], 'testitem') self.assertEqual(x.testing, 'testitem')
[docs] def test_set_attr(self): """Test setting a dictionary key via an attribute ``x.y = 123``""" x = DictObject() x.testing = 'testattr' x.other_test = 'example' self.assertEqual(x['testing'], 'testattr') self.assertEqual(x['other_test'], 'example') self.assertEqual(x.testing, 'testattr') self.assertEqual(x.other_test, 'example')
[docs]class TestOrderedDictObject(PrivexBaseCase):
[docs] def test_convert_from_dict(self): """Test converting a :class:`dict` into a :class:`.DictObject`""" x = dict(hello='world', example='testing') y = OrderedDictObject(x) self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(y['hello'], 'world') self.assertEqual(y['example'], 'testing') self.assertEqual(y.hello, 'world') self.assertEqual(y.example, 'testing')
[docs] def test_convert_to_dict(self): """Test converting a :class:`.OrderedDictObject` into a :class:`dict`""" x = OrderedDictObject(hello='world', example='testing') y = dict(x) self.assertEqual(x, y) self.assertEqual(y['hello'], 'world') self.assertEqual(y['example'], 'testing')
[docs] def test_json_dumps(self): """Test serializing a simple :class:`.OrderedDictObject` into JSON""" x = OrderedDictObject(hello='world', example='testing') j = json.dumps(x) self.assertEqual(j, '{"hello": "world", "example": "testing"}')
[docs] def test_json_dumps_nested(self): """Test serializing a :class:`.OrderedDictObject` with a nested :class:`.OrderedDictObject` into JSON""" x = OrderedDictObject(hello='world', example='testing') x.layer = OrderedDictObject(test=True) j = json.dumps(x) self.assertEqual(j, '{"hello": "world", "example": "testing", "layer": {"test": true}}')
[docs] def test_set_item(self): """Test setting a dictionary key via an item/key ``x['y'] = 123``""" x = OrderedDictObject() x['testing'] = 'testitem' self.assertEqual(x['testing'], 'testitem') self.assertEqual(x.testing, 'testitem')
[docs] def test_set_attr(self): """Test setting a dictionary key via an attribute ``x.y = 123``""" x = OrderedDictObject() x.testing = 'testattr' x.other_test = 'example' self.assertEqual(x['testing'], 'testattr') self.assertEqual(x['other_test'], 'example') self.assertEqual(x.testing, 'testattr') self.assertEqual(x.other_test, 'example')
[docs]class TestIsNamedTuple(PrivexBaseCase): """ Test the function :func:`.is_namedtuple` against various different types and objects to ensure it returns ``True`` or ``False`` appropriately, with tests containing a mixture of both :func:`collections.namedtuple` and :func:`.dictable_namedtuple`. """ Person = namedtuple('Person', 'first_name last_name') named_persons = (Person('John', 'Doe'), Person('Dave', 'Johnson'), Person('Aaron', 'Swartz')) DictPerson = dictable_namedtuple('Person', 'first_name last_name') dict_persons = (DictPerson('John', 'Doe'), DictPerson('Dave', 'Johnson'), DictPerson('Aaron', 'Swartz'))
[docs] def test_real_namedtuple(self): """Test :func:`.is_namedtuple` returns ``True`` when all arguments are valid namedtuple's""" john, dave, aaron = self.named_persons self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(dave)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(aaron)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john, dave, aaron))
[docs] def test_dictable_namedtuple(self): """Test :func:`.is_namedtuple` returns ``True`` when all arguments are valid dictable_namedtuple's""" john, dave, aaron = self.dict_persons self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(dave)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(aaron)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john, dave, aaron))
[docs] def test_dictable_plus_normal_namedtuple(self): """Test :func:`.is_namedtuple` returns ``True`` when arguments are a mix of namedtuple + dictable_namedtuple's""" john, dave, aaron = self.named_persons d_john, d_dave, d_aaron = self.dict_persons self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john, d_dave)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(d_john, aaron)) self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john, d_john, d_dave, dave, aaron, d_aaron))
[docs] def test_real_namedtuple_plus_invalid(self): """(namedtuples) Test :func:`.is_namedtuple` returns ``False`` when some arguments are NOT namedtuple's""" john, dave, aaron = self.named_persons self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john)) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(john, ['hello', 'world'])) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(dave, dict(hello='world'))) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(dave, aaron, 12345))
[docs] def test_dictable_namedtuple_plus_invalid(self): """(dictable_namedtuples) Test :func:`.is_namedtuple` returns ``False`` when some arguments are NOT namedtuple's""" john, dave, aaron = self.dict_persons self.assertTrue(is_namedtuple(john)) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(john, ['hello', 'world'])) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(dave, dict(hello='world'))) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(dave, aaron, 12345))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_dict(self): """Test that dictionaries are not namedtuple's""" self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple( dict(hello='world') ))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_list(self): """Test that list's are not namedtuple's""" self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple( ['hello', 'world'] ))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_tuple(self): """Test that tuple's are not namedtuple's""" self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple( ('hello', 'world',) ))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_int(self): """Test that int's are not namedtuple's""" self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(123))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_float(self): """Test that float's are not namedtuple's""" self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(12.3))
[docs] def test_not_namedtuple_class(self): """Test that classes and instances of classes are not namedtuple's""" class ExampleClass: pass self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(ExampleClass)) self.assertFalse(is_namedtuple(ExampleClass()))
[docs]class TestDictableNamedtuple(PrivexBaseCase): """ Test the function :func:`.dictable_namedtuple` and compare it against :func:`collections.namedtuple` to ensure that dictable_namedtuple's should be backwards compatible with code that takes namedtuple's. Also tests new functionality that only exists in dictable_namedtuple's, and compares it against standard namedtuples, including: * Test getting by item/key, i.e. ``john['first_name']``, and confirm normal namedtuples raise exceptions * Test setting new item/key's and attributes ``item['color'] = 'Brown'``, and confirm normal namedtuples raise exceptions * Test casting dictable namedtuple's to dict's ``dict(item)``, and confirm normal namedtuples raise exceptions """ Item = dictable_namedtuple('Item', 'name description') """A :func:`.dictable_namedtuple` type, representing an 'item'""" NmItem = namedtuple('Item', 'name description') """A :func:`collections.namedtuple` type, representing an 'item'""" example_items = Item('Box', 'Small Cardboard Box'), NmItem('Box', 'Small Cardboard Box') """A tuple containing an instance of both :py:attr:`.Item` and :py:attr:`.NmItem`"""
[docs] def setUp(self): """ At the start of each test, reset :attr:`.example_items`, :attr:`.Item` and :attr:`.NmItem` in-case any tests have modified them """ self.Item = Item = dictable_namedtuple('Item', 'name description') self.NmItem = NmItem = namedtuple('Item', 'name description') self.example_items = Item('Box', 'Small Cardboard Box'), NmItem('Box', 'Small Cardboard Box')
[docs] def test_metadata(self): """ Confirm sameness of class/instance metadata such as class name/qualname, module name, and stringification between :func:`.dictable_namedtuple` and :func:`collections.namedtuple` """ di, ni = self.example_items di_cls, ni_cls = di.__class__, ni.__class__ self.assertEqual(di_cls.__name__, ni_cls.__name__) self.assertEqual(di_cls.__qualname__, ni_cls.__qualname__) self.assertEqual(di_cls.__module__, ni_cls.__module__) self.assertEqual(str(di), str(ni))
[docs] def test_get_attr(self): """Confirm getting attributes is equivalent on dictable namedtuple to standard namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(di.description, ni.description)
[docs] def test_get_item(self): """Test we can access named items on on dictable namedtuple while standard namedtuple raises exceptions""" di, ni = self.example_items self.assertEqual(di['name'], 'Box') self.assertEqual(di['description'], 'Small Cardboard Box') # The standard ``namedtuple`` instances don't support accessing fields via string "item" keys. # They should throw a TypeError, KeyError, or AttributeError when we try and access a key. with self.assertRaises((TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError,)): x = ni['name'] with self.assertRaises((TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError,)): x = ni['description']
[docs] def test_get_index(self): """Test we can access by integer index on dictable + normal namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items self.assertEqual(di[0], ni[0]) self.assertEqual(di[1], ni[1]) self.assertEqual(di[1], 'Small Cardboard Box')
[docs] def test_set_item(self): """Test that we can create the new item/key ``color`` on the dictable_namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items di['color'] = 'Brown' self.assertEqual(di['color'], 'Brown') self.assertEqual(di.color, 'Brown') self.assertIn('color', dict(di)) self.assertIn("color='Brown'", str(di)) # The standard ``namedtuple`` instances don't allow modification after creation. # They should throw a ValueError or a TypeError. with self.assertRaises((ValueError, TypeError,)): ni['color'] = 'Brown'
[docs] def test_set_attr(self): """Test that we can create the new attribute ``color`` on the dictable_namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items di.color = 'Brown' self.assertEqual(di['color'], 'Brown') self.assertEqual(di.color, 'Brown') self.assertIn('color', dict(di)) self.assertIn("color='Brown'", str(di)) # The standard ``namedtuple`` instances don't allow modification after creation. # They should throw a ValueError or a AttributeError. with self.assertRaises((ValueError, AttributeError,)): ni.color = 'Brown'
[docs] def test_dict_cast(self): """Test casting dictable_namedtuple using ``dict`` works as expected, but fails on normal namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items self._check_cast_dict(di) # The standard ``namedtuple`` instances cannot be casted to a dict, they should throw a ValueError # or a TypeError. with self.assertRaises((ValueError, TypeError,)): dict_ni = dict(ni)
[docs] def test_asdict(self): """Test ``._asdict`` works on both dictable + normal namedtuple""" di, ni = self.example_items self._check_asdict(di) self._check_asdict(ni)
def _check_asdict(self, inst): dict_inst = inst._asdict() self.assertIn(type(dict_inst), [dict, OrderedDict]) self.assertListEqual(['name', 'description'], list(dict_inst.keys())) self.assertListEqual(['Box', 'Small Cardboard Box'], list(dict_inst.values())) def _check_cast_dict(self, inst): dict_inst = dict(inst) self.assertIn(type(dict_inst), [dict, OrderedDict]) self.assertListEqual(['name', 'description'], list(dict_inst.keys())) self.assertListEqual(['Box', 'Small Cardboard Box'], list(dict_inst.values()))
[docs] def test_subclass(self): """Test subclass_dictable_namedtuple converts :attr:`.NmItem` into a dictable_namedtuple type """ d_nt = subclass_dictable_namedtuple(self.NmItem) di = d_nt('Box', 'Small Cardboard Box') self._check_dictable(di)
[docs] def test_convert(self): """Test convert_dictable_namedtuple converts example namedtuple instance into a dictable_namedtuple instance""" ni = self.example_items[1] di = convert_dictable_namedtuple(ni) self._check_dictable(di)
def _check_dictable(self, di): # Confirm the object is named 'Item' self.assertIn('Item(', str(di)) # Test accessing by attribute self.assertEqual(, 'Box') self.assertEqual(di.description, 'Small Cardboard Box') # Test accessing by item/key self.assertEqual(di['name'], 'Box') self.assertEqual(di['description'], 'Small Cardboard Box') # Test accessing by tuple index self.assertEqual(di[0], 'Box') self.assertEqual(di[1], 'Small Cardboard Box') # Test converting to a dict (via dict()) self._check_cast_dict(di) # Test converting to a dict (via ._asdict()) self._check_asdict(di)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming def _gen_inheritance(): # We'll create three classes, which inherit from each other linearly: A->B->C # Each inheriting child may add new things, and/or override things from the parent. # This way we can check that the inheritance was copied correctly, by testing overridden and non-overridden attributes. class A: hello = 'world' class B(A): example = 'test' potato = 'tomato' @staticmethod def lorem(): return 'ipsum' @staticmethod def blue(): return 'orange' class C(B): potato = 'tree' @staticmethod def blue(): return 'yellow' return A, B, C def _gen_basic_class(): class BasicClass: example = 'lorem ipsum' data = ['hello', 'world'] testing = 123 @classmethod def example_method(cls): return cls.testing * 3 def inst_method(self): return + [self.__class__.__name__] return BasicClass # noinspection PyPep8Naming class TestCopyClass(PrivexBaseCase): def test_copy_class_name(self): BasicClass = _gen_basic_class() self.assertEqual(BasicClass.__name__, 'BasicClass') ExampleClass = copy_class(BasicClass, 'ExampleClass') self.assertEqual(ExampleClass.__name__, 'ExampleClass') self.assertEqual(ExampleClass.__module__, BasicClass.__module__) def test_copy_class_bases(self): # Using our helper function _gen_inheritance, we can generate three classes for testing inheritance. # With 'A' being the root parent, 'B' being a child of 'A', and 'C' being a child of 'B'. A, B, C = _gen_inheritance() # Copy the class 'C' as 'NewC' NewC = copy_class(C, 'NewC') # Check that the three attributes 'hello', 'example' and 'potato', which were added/changed throughout the inheritance tree, # are the values we'd expect to see in our copy of C - the end of the inheritance tree. self.assertEqual(NewC.hello, 'world') self.assertEqual(NewC.potato, 'tree') self.assertEqual(NewC.example, 'test') # We'll also check the class methods - 'lorem' and 'blue' added in 'B', while 'blue' was also overrided by 'C'. self.assertEqual(NewC.lorem(), 'ipsum') self.assertEqual(, 'yellow') # Since NewC is a copy of C - it should fail an instance inheritance check against the original C self.assertNotIsInstance(NewC(), C) self.assertIsInstance(NewC(), NewC) # However, if the bases were retained correctly, it should still validate as a child-class instance of B and A self.assertIsInstance(NewC(), B) self.assertIsInstance(NewC(), A) def test_copy_class_no_bases(self): # Using our helper function _gen_inheritance, we can generate three classes for testing inheritance. # With 'A' being the root parent, 'B' being a child of 'A', and 'C' being a child of 'B'. A, B, C = _gen_inheritance() # Copy the class 'C' as 'NewC' NewC = copy_class(C, 'NewC', use_bases=False) self.assertEqual(NewC.potato, 'tree') self.assertEqual(, 'yellow') # Since there's no inheritance, NewC should not count as an instance of B or A self.assertNotIsInstance(NewC(), B) self.assertNotIsInstance(NewC(), A) # The attributes 'example' and 'hello' were not overridden by C, so without inheritance, they should not exist. self.assertFalse(hasattr(NewC, 'example')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(NewC, 'hello')) # The method 'lorem' was not overridden by C, so without inheritance, it should not exist. self.assertFalse(hasattr(NewC, 'lorem')) def test_copy_class_basic(self): # First we generate a class - containing a string, list, + integer attribute, plus a class method. BasicClass = _gen_basic_class() # Sanity test that the class contains the original data we expected it to. self.assertListEqual(, ['hello', 'world']) self.assertEqual(BasicClass.example, 'lorem ipsum') self.assertEqual(BasicClass.testing, 123) self.assertEqual(BasicClass.example_method(), 123 * 3) # We'll change the 'testing' integer and the 'data' list as another sanity test BasicClass.testing = 234'test') self.assertEqual(BasicClass.testing, 234) self.assertListEqual(, ['hello', 'world', 'test']) # Now we copy BasicClass into NewClass, and confirm NewClass's initial state matches BasicClass NewClass = copy_class(BasicClass, name='NewClass') self.assertEqual(NewClass.testing, 234) self.assertListEqual(, ['hello', 'world', 'test']) self.assertEqual(NewClass.example, 'lorem ipsum') # If the copy worked as expected, we should be able to modify the 3 attributes without affecting BasicClass NewClass.testing = 345'orange') NewClass.example = 'hello test' self.assertEqual(NewClass.testing, 345) self.assertListEqual(, ['hello', 'world', 'test', 'orange']) self.assertEqual(NewClass.example, 'hello test') self.assertEqual(NewClass.example_method(), 345 * 3) # Check to make sure the state of BasicClass wasn't affected... self.assertEqual(BasicClass.testing, 234) self.assertListEqual(, ['hello', 'world', 'test']) self.assertEqual(BasicClass.example, 'lorem ipsum') self.assertEqual(BasicClass.example_method(), 234 * 3) DDC_TEST_DICT = dict(hello='example', extra='data', other=['test']) @pytest.mark.skipif(HAS_DATACLASSES is False, reason='HAS_DATACLASSES is False (Python older than 3.7?)') class TestDictDataClass(PrivexBaseCase): @staticmethod def _gen_example_dc(): @dataclass class ExampleDC(DictDataClass): hello: str = 'world' example: int = 444 some_list: list = field(default_factory=lambda: ['hello', 'world']) raw_data: Union[dict, DictObject] = field(default_factory=DictObject, repr=False) """The raw, unmodified data that was passed as kwargs, as a dictionary""" return ExampleDC def test_convert_dataclass_dict_default(self): """Test :class:`.DictDataClass` dictionary casting when constructing a dataclass normally""" ExampleDC = self._gen_example_dc() dc = ExampleDC() dict_dc = dict(dc) self.assertIsInstance(dict_dc, dict) self.assertEqual(dict_dc['hello'], 'world') self.assertEqual(dict_dc['example'], 444) self.assertListEqual(dict_dc['some_list'], ['hello', 'world']) def test_convert_dataclass_dict_default_raw_data(self): """Test :class:`.DictDataClass` dictionary casting when constructing using ``from_dict``""" ExampleDC = self._gen_example_dc() dc = ExampleDC.from_dict(DDC_TEST_DICT) dict_dc = dict(dc) self.assertIsInstance(dict_dc, dict) self.assertEqual(dict_dc['hello'], 'example') self.assertEqual(dict_dc['example'], 444) self.assertEqual(dict_dc['extra'], 'data') self.assertListEqual(dict_dc['other'], ['test']) def test_convert_dataclass_dict_attrib_only(self): """Test :class:`.DictDataClass` dictionary casting when set to dataclass attribute only mode""" ExampleDC = self._gen_example_dc() @dataclass class SubDC(ExampleDC): class DictConfig: dict_convert_mode = None dc = SubDC.from_dict(DDC_TEST_DICT) dict_dc = dict(dc) self.assertIsInstance(dict_dc, dict) # In the fallback convert mode, only the standard dataclass attributes should've made it into the dict. self.assertEqual(dict_dc['hello'], 'example') self.assertEqual(dict_dc['example'], 444) self.assertListEqual(dict_dc['some_list'], ['hello', 'world']) self.assertNotIn('extra', dict_dc) self.assertNotIn('other', dict_dc) def test_convert_dataclass_dict_raw_only(self): """Test :class:`.DictDataClass` dictionary casting when set to raw_data only mode""" ExampleDC = self._gen_example_dc() @dataclass class SubDC(ExampleDC): class DictConfig: dict_convert_mode = 'raw' dc = SubDC.from_dict(DDC_TEST_DICT) dict_dc = dict(dc) self.assertIsInstance(dict_dc, dict) # In the raw_data only mode, only the original attribute 'hello' (passed in from_dict), # and the extraneous dict keys should've made it into the converted dict. self.assertEqual(dict_dc['hello'], 'example') self.assertNotIn('example', dict_dc) self.assertNotIn('some_list', dict_dc) self.assertEqual(dict_dc['extra'], 'data') self.assertListEqual(dict_dc['other'], ['test']) def test_dataclass_from_dict(self): """Test constructing a :class:`.DictDataClass` from a dictionary + test attribs can be accessed via both attribute + key""" ExampleDC = self._gen_example_dc() dc = ExampleDC.from_dict(DDC_TEST_DICT) # Test the original dataclass attributes AND the extraneous from_dict dictionary keys as attributes self.assertEqual(dc.hello, 'example') self.assertEqual(dc.example, 444) self.assertEqual(dc.extra, 'data') self.assertListEqual(dc.other, ['test']) # Test the original dataclass attributes via keys (like a dict), plus the from_dict keys via dict keys self.assertEqual(dc['hello'], 'example') self.assertEqual(dc['example'], 444) self.assertEqual(dc['extra'], 'data') self.assertListEqual(dc['other'], ['test'])